I am Sleeping beauty descendant,no big brainier there

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Britney pov

"Fresh air! I love the fresh air! I am going to catch a wolf!"Alison yell as she ran off.

"Do you think she be fine?"Kirsha said.We all look at Alison then I check inside the car.Alison was is in hurry,she forgot her book bag.Something caught my eyes.Her Candy? Did she ate them all? "Oh no"I said.

They all look at me."What the oh no?"Vanessa said.I shook the bag and then some empty bag of candy fell out."Did Alison ate any of these?"Vanessa ask."Yes she ate them 8 period"Christian said as my mother took out tents.

"So how many minutes pass?"Vanessa ask."Well it been 40 min why?"Kirsha said.I know after 10 to 30 min,she will have a sugar rush.But since she was a sleep during those 30 min,all those sugar rush has been saved in her body until she was awake.

This could be dangerous."We got to find or else she go crazy!"I yell.Last time she was on a sugar rush,she was runing around the school and then fell when it was gone.We all ran in different way and I try so hart to not get hurt.I am so clumsy sometime.

I heard some and I decide to follow it.I was somehow in a ballroom? But how did I get here? "Cheer for the new born baby,Aurora"They said.Ah so it celebrating a baby being born.The king was talking to another guy who also a king?

They might be a friend.Three fairy appear and started to give gift for the baby.A green smoke appear and Maleficent appear.She walk toward the baby and said"before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will use her finger to touch the of a and die". 

The parent cry until one fairy walk toward them.She used her blessing to soften the curse so that instead of dying, Aurora will fall into a deep sleep from which she can only be awakened by a true love kiss.The fairy talk to the king and took the child from them

Then it show the same girl into a beautiful young woman but I heard the fairy calling her Briar Rose.Weird.She was dancing and singing until she saw...wait a min! Isn't that Prince Phillip?! Omg he is cute! They both dance and fell in love.

The scene change and it show her prick her finger,completing the curse.The good fairies place Aurora on a bed in the highest tower and place a powerful spell on all the people in the kingdom, causing them to fall asleep until the spell on their princess is broken. 

The fairies find the prince and release the prince, arming him with the magical Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue.Maleficent tries to stop Phillip by surrounding Aurora's castle with thorns, but fails. She then transforms into a gigantic dragon. 

The scene change again and it show Phillip awakens Aurora with a kiss,breaking the spell and thereby wakes everyone in the palace.The royal couple descends to the ballroom, where Aurora is happily reunited with her parents.

I hope I have an happily ever after like that.Not the life I am living in right now.It change again and she open her arm out."Welcome.I hope you are okay and happy"she said.I ran toward her and hug her.My family is mostly dysfunctional.

We mostly argue and my mother always blame us for when her boyfriend break her.I cry as she put her hand on my cheek,to wipe my tear away."It okay my dear.You are safe with me"she whisper."Am I?"I whisper.

She pull back a little and look at my necklace."If you keep wearing this,I promise good luck will come"she said.When she touch the necklace,a bright pink light appear on my charm."How did you do that?"I said.

"My name is Aurora and you are my descendant"she said as she brush my hair back.That shock me.I am related to her? "Are you sure?!"I yell.Then it hit me.Why I always fall a sleep in class or anytime,how I always love roses and fall in love with guys that look Prince Phillip.

I look at her wrist.A rose tattoo.It look like the charm from my necklace."Please always believe in yourself"She said as she smile.She went into thin air with my arm reach other.Please don't go."Britney,are you okay?"said a voice.

I turn around and saw Christian."Yeah I am fine.Did you found Alison?"I said.He shook his head no as we walk back.Now how are we going to explain to her mother? We heard a scream of cheer and then we move away.It was Alison riding a lion.

"Look who I found! Meet Feisty!"she said as she jump down.She hug the big lion as the other came."Wow that Feisty!?"I said as I hug Christian.When I am scare,I hug the person next to me. "Yep! And you are not taking her away!"she said as the lion purr.My main questions is how is she able to tame that lion?!

How am I going to believe myself if one of my friend are crazy?

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