Let prepare ourselves for the ball

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Kirsha pov
I sigh as Taya grew angry.

"A ball?! Are you insane?! They should be preparing for war not dancing and partying.Also what about Britney mom who is still in the road?!"Taya said. "But we must introduced them to the other and she safe at home" Cinder said.

Snow cheer as the other nod. "Are you sure?"I said. "I am sure. Let our animals friend help you"she said. "No thanks. I think it better if we wear something they like"Taya said as she push us away.

"Alright but at least let me show you the way"Belle said as she walk with us. The door close behind us and she sigh. "What happen?"Alison said. "If we allow them to help us dress up, they will make us wear fancy"she said.

Alison eyes widen. I forgot she hate wearing dresses. "Well I have to go home. I need to find the perfect dress!" Vanessa said. "I think I just wear something comfy"Alison said as she walk away from the group.

Serean came and sat down. When did he get here? I thought we left him outside with the other wolf? "Beside the ball is just a ball where fancy people dine and be greedy"she said before she left.

"I am just going to stay here with belle.I don't think I got some thing nice for the ball"I said. The other wave good bye as belle took me to her room. "You are going to amaze everyone at the ball"she said as she brush my hair.

I hope so or else they think I am just a bookworm and couldn't be the next 'Belle'

Alison pov
I hate balls.

Everyone with fancy dresses and talking about who have the most money. Serean stop and I got off. "Thank you for taking me home"I said as I went to open the door. A wind past by me and I look back.  And now Serean is gone.

No big deal. Everyone is bound to leave me behind. I open the door and then I check my phone. No one remember me. That cool. I open the other door and then gasp. My ex boyfriend. We both stare at each other then I huff.

Why should I care? "Hey Alison. How are you?"he said. I look back and smile a little. "I'm okay now leave me alone before I really murder you"I said then went up the stair. I try to hold on my tear.

I open the door to my home and found it empty. I check my closet and I have nothing good. Yes I have pretty dresses that mother bought me but they are not me. I hum then a red cape fell from my mom clothes. It made me smile.

I quickly found something to mix together that will amaze them

Vanessa pov
I growl as I search through my closet.

Nothing good to wear! I need some new nice clothes. I huff and then I saw a rat near me. "No! Get away from me!"I yell as I grab my phone.It roll it eyes then it point the wall.

"Vanessa what wrong? "Brintey yell as she got out of the shower. I allow her to take a shower at my house because she has some spare clothes with her. "Nothing!" I said. She nod then went to my sister room to change.

I look at the wall then tap on it. It shook and a lily grew. I grab it and try to pull it out. The lily bloom and two things came out. A box and a letter. I open the letter. It said "open the box. It for the ball".

I quickly open the box and saw the most beautiful dress. I squeal and hug it. "Now I have four hour to do make up,do my hair and take a shower"I said as I smile. "Why are you squealing so much?"Brintey said.

Oh it nothing. Just happy that we are going to a ball

Brintey pov
I sigh as the noise calm down.

I look through my bag and found some clothes but I felt like they are not 'me' or call out 'princess'. I mean there is going to be a lot of cute boys and maybe some fancy food. I would love to try some!

I sigh as I though of food. I can't wait to go to the ball,trying all those food! The phone and I pick it up. "Hello?"I said. "Hello it me sleeping beauty"said a voice. "Oh hi!"I said. "I have something for you that you may like"she said.

A rose shook in Vanessa's sister bouquet of flower and went so big. It threw up a dress then went back to normal. I pick it up and squeal. "Well?"she ask. "It perfect thank you!"I said as I hug my dress.

Now I am sure that I am going to have my happily ever after!

Christian pov
How fancy do I need to be?

Not too fancy that for sure. I am not impressive anyone that for sure. I also bet they will understand that we are not that rich like them. I heard a cough and I look back. "Aladdin? What are you doing in my room again?" I said.

"I am here to help you for the ball!"he said as his monkey hold up a box. "No thanks. I think I just go with a suit and tie"I said as I pick up a nice suit. "Oh well. I bet they will live like an outcast. Also they be scare to go near you"he said.

"What you mean?"I said. "Oh I mean when they first met me, they all dislike me because I am poor and got lucky that I marry a princess"he said. Will they think that? "Give me that"I said as I took the box

They both cheer as I open the box. The clothes is not even that bad. I try it on and smile. "Hey you got my side right! For the first time"I said. "Of course I know. You are part of me"he said as I check in the mirror.

Now I am sure that I will knock them dead. Not for real but I think you get it.

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