My date. It was kinda good and horrible

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♉Miguel pov♉
I smile as I check myself in the mirror.

Looking good Miguel or should I say Kevin. I open the closet door and found the real Miguel all tied up. "Sorry but I have a date. Or should I say that you have a date with wolf girl"I said and I laugh. I love my pun.

I texted Alison to wait at her home. Then we will go to the carnival since it will be dark and no one can see us. Once it over, I get out of these look. I brought out my car and went to her house. It look kinda nice.

I didn't thought she would live like this. Oh wait I did. I mean she look awful in school with her hair mess up a little and wearing some combat boot. I thought she was in the army. I heard some laughter and I roll the window down a little.

It was Alison with that wolf boy. For once she dress up nice. Nit in those uniform like those nerd. "Going on a date tonight?"He said. "Yes can you believe it?"she said. Oh how satisfied it will be when she find out she not going out with her crush.

"It strange after all when we used to date,you never been allow to go on date"he chuckle. "Yeah but things change. I don't know why but I like it"she said. Wow this will be so satisfied for once I crush her hope on love.

I walk out of my car and walk toward them. "Alison"I said and she smile at me. "You look wonderful today. I heard there a carnival near by so wanna go there?"I ask nicely. I think I am going to barf if I had to keep acting nice like this.

"Sure! I love carnival!"she said then I hold her hand. Maybe I cause some chaos while we are on this date. Or should I call it fake date? I felt someone hand on my shoulder and I was about to fire blast them if it wasn't for my plan to get her to the joker.

"Hey. Make sure she is safe back home. She is most kindest person I know so treat her like a royal" wolf boy said. I nod as she smile at that dirty wolf. Don't tell me that she is still in love with him! This is just gross!

We walk away and then she gasp. "You have a car?!"she said as she smile. "Yeah,my parent allow me to drive it"I said. "I thought you are 17?"she said. Oh shit! "I took my driving class early"I said. She shrug then got in. Perfect.

The whole ride was quiet and I saw her looking out of the window a lot. "What going on?"I said. She snap out and look at me. "Nothing. Nothing it just something happen between me and my friend"she said. Friend?

You mean your boyfriend? We arrive then I open the door for her. She smile then she look lost when a clown gave her a balloon. "Thank you"she said as she hold it. We walk around with her on my arm.

She gasp when she saw a giant panda. "You want that?"I said. She nod then I pay to play that game. Must do anything to win her heart and destroy it. I used my magic to win it. They gave me the panda which I gave it to her. She squeal as she hug it.

"Thank you! Hey I saw some cotton candy over there. Want some?"she said as she smile. She is too easy. I saw that Aladdin boy. "Sure. I need to go used the bathroom. I be right back"I said then walk toward him.

Time to make him pay for what his father did to my father and settle this once and for all. I walk in front of him and he chuckle. "Hello Miguel. What are you doing here?"he said as his hands was behind his back. What is he up to right now?

"I am on a date with Alison. Did she told you?"I said. Play it cool, play it cool. Don't want to cause a scene here. "Oh cool. I am here helping my friend get his girlfriend back Kevin"he said. That sound nice-wait a min.

How does he know my name? A rope was around me then I fell down. "What are you doing?! Let me go!"I yell as I try to escape. "I'm sorry but you aren't the perfect one for Alison"he said. What?! I saw him run off with a shadow.

No he is going to ruining everything. But I can't used my magic right now because of all these mortal. What should I do? I can't let them get in my way. So I did what any couple would do.

"Alison help me!"

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