Britney mom?... we are fighting you today

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Vanessa pov
I look at Taya.

"How long did you knew about this?"I said. "Um for like a year. I was busy help Merida with stuff" she said."Okay then you must know how to get out of this outfit?" I said. "Oh it easy. Just hold your necklace and think nothing"she said.

We all close our eyes and I felt like I been running for hours. "This is great and all but what the heck is going on?!"Britney yell. "You are guardian. Your job is to help our stories continue to help spread dream and hope"she said.

"What you mean continue?" Alison said. "Well sometime if the fairy tale change then that mean the character disappear. Also the hope of an child" she said as she look away. I could guess someone close to her disappeared.

I look up and saw the sun was rising. Alison put her hand on my shoulder and smile. "Hey at least we were wide awake instead dead"she said then act like a zombie. I laugh as she went toward the other and ask for their brain.

"Too bad she is it"Taya said as Alison ran after Kirsha who was running away from her. "What you mean?"I said. "I can't tell you because then you will tell her"she said as she change back. I frown as she went toward Kirsha.

Kirsha smile and hug her. They started to talk a lot as Alison went to attack Christian as a zombie. Britney was looking at the sun rise. "Are you okay? This mean this a lot to take in"I said.

"Yeah let go back"she said. Once we got there,Britney mom is putting the stuff away. "Wait what happen?"I said. "We have to go now. They call me from work"she said as she look at us. Her eyes were purple.

We all went inside the car and Taya shiver. "Something wrong" she said. Alison hug Christian arm as he pet her head. I grip on my necklace as her mother look at us. "We are going to do something fun"she said.

"Miss Britney mom? Where are we going? This isn't the way to go home?"Alison said as she bit her finger. "Your doom!" she yell as she launch herself toward her. I ran toward the wheel as Christian try to protect her.

"Stop the fucking car!"Taya yell as she help to push Britney mom away. I push the brake but it not working. "It not working!"I yell as I try to drive. We are so going to died. Her mom grab Alison as they fell out.

How did the door open? "Let her go!"Britney yell as she try to pull Alison in. "Someone else get the wheel!"I yell. "We can't!  We are trying to stop her!"They yell.I sigh then close my eyes.I must use my power.

I grip on the wheel. Her mom scream as she was cover in tree branch. I did it. I control my magic. "Vanessa stop the car!" Britney yell. I thought of branches stopping us and it work. We all ran back.

I move my hand and it grip on her hand. She growl at us then Taya put her hand out. "Everyone put your hand out"she said. We put her hand out and a rainbow hand came out of her hand.

It went straight to her heart and started to search for someting. Britney mom close her eyes then a purple heart with wing came out. Taya caught it and crush it. "Why did you kill it!? It just a butterfly!"Alison yell.

It turn into something that look like fairy dust. It flew away and went to her bow. "Wow. That is amazing"I said. "I know right?" she said,cheerful. "You still haven't answer my question!" Alison yell.

"I forgot you are those animal lover! Well if we let them go then they spread depression across the world. Do you want that? I don't think so" Taya said.She nod as she bit her lip. Taya hug her as Alison cry.

She doesn't like people screaming at her or get mad at her. "Alright let go home"She said. A wolf came and growl at us. "Saeran it okay"she said as she went on her knee. The wolf walk toward her and lick her cheek.

"Wait Alison can you call your wolf?"Taya said as Saeran made Alison climb on him. She howl and five more wolf came. "But what happen if someone see us?" I said. She look at Kirsha and she whisper something.

But nothing happen. "It a invisible spell. No one will know. I put a note on your mom phone so she know we went to find some help"she said to Britney. "Take us home"Alison said before she fell a sleep.

Serean walk near Christian and growl at him. Then it look at the wolf and they ran into a pack. I look at Alison who was hugging Serean neck. She look so small but soon enough,I want to go a sleep too.

As I fell a sleep,I thought to myself that maybe I can get used to it

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