Let try to find a clue but found a talking wolf instead

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📜Kirsha pov📜
We ran to the where I was attacked.

"Ok so.now we have to find that Robin hood!"I said. "Right now do you think we need a lady in distress?"he said as I shook my head. "No what if we ask Taya?"I said. "Can we not? She kinda give me the creep"he said.

Boys. I grab his sleeves and we got near the library. Now how do we get in? We saw Alison and the other coming out running. She bump into Christian who caught her again. "Are you okay?"he said. "Yeah! Can you help me get the things that fell?"she said.

I bent down and saw this book on magic trick? "Why do you need these?"I said as I hold the book. Alison grab it and place it in the box. "Thanks! Now you know the plan,boys?"Alison said. I heard cheer and saw the dwarf?!

"Why are they outside?"I said. "Sorry! No time to talk! Got a lot of work to do!"she said as she ran off. "Don't worry. Alison have been waiting for this day to make Glison pay"Vanessa said as she chuckle. "I think she pray for this day"Britney said.

"Okay then how did you get in?"I said. "Oh just put your pendent in and voila! It open the magical door!"Britney said. "Come on you slow poke! He might be coming any min!"Alison yell from the other block. They wave good bye as they ran off.

We walk in and saw a lady on her phone. "I was like now way mother goose would be hiding drinks in her purse! I told them that she was a party animals! No pun!"said the lady. I clear my throat and she look at me.

"Yes? What do you want?"she said. Rude much? "Yes we need to go to the secret room. The one that has the special book"I said,copying what Taya said. "Like I ever let you in! You aren't worth of my time!"she said.

I made a grip and pointed at her. "Indica mihi puellam hanc Fac ut illam usque cluduntur et abierunt!"I whisper and a zipper appear from her mouth. She scream as she touch her face. "Kirsha"Christian said. "What?"I said.

He shook his head and I sigh. "Fine whatever you say"I said then I close my eyes. "Referre velim fecisse incantatores"I whisper and the zipper disappear. The lady gasp as she caught her breath. "Okay you can go and make sure no one saw you!"she said.

I thank her,pointing my finger before we were away from her view and we walk toward the door. I took off my necklace and place my pendent there. It light up and then the door turn yellow. We enter and we saw Taya looking at a blue lump.

"I swear Alison is going too far"she said. "Hey Taya! Wow what happen here?"I said. "Alison. Scare Fairy godmother"she said. Oh. Maybe that why they were in a hurry. "We need to ask you about the son of Robin hood?"I said.

"Oh a friend of the girls. He didn't gave his name but he wanted to call Bendito.  A reminder"she said. "Okay do you know where he might be?"I said as Christian might . "Probably out there, with Brian looking out the city. It might be long to find him"I said.

Dang it. "Well do you know anyone who might know where Little red riding hood might be?"I said. "That hard. Nobody is not that close to her but the big bad wolf which I don't want to talk about it much"she said as she shiver.

"Well do you know the son or daughter of the big bad wolf?"Christian said. Taya hum as she place the fairy godmother on a flying bed. "No I don't think it is record on the book of fairy tale"she said as the flying bed left. 

"Record?"Christian repeat her. "Yeah smart ass. It must be recorded but I don't know if there is the book of Little red child and the wolf which is strange because there suppose to be every fairy tale name and child name there"she said. 

That is strange. Maybe the fairy godmother is hiding something. Like the soul of hope. Why isn't there a book about Red's child? "But what about Serean?"she said. "What?"I said. "You know. Alison wolf that follow her around?"she said.

That right. Where is that pesky wolf? We all look and saw Serean, smelling Alison book bag. "Hey you!"I yell. It look at us. "Yes you! Who are you?"I said. "Kirsha, that wolf won't talk to you. It just an animal"Christian said.

"That when you are wrong"said a voice that was rich and smooth. We gasp as we look at Serean. "It fucking spoke"Christian said. "I am not an animal but a person. You people call it werewolf?"he said as he look away.

"Wait then you know where little red riding hood is?"I said. "Yes but I can't tell you. I must run off or else my lovely Alison will be lonely and unprotected"He said. If he is going to be like that then I have no choice.

Get that Wolf! Don't let it get away!

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