Defeat her and the turth

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Little Alison pov
I watch as the phoenix went toward me.

It lean in as I put my hand up. "DON'T TOUCH THAT! YOU FOOL! GET AWAY FROM IT!"The evil me said but once she let go of of the spike some of her suit started to disappear. She pull it back and growl at me. "What or who are you?"I said. 

"I am you but as your dream and hope. I was always there when you feel down. I am the fire in your eyes"it said as I look at it. It put it's head down as I back away. "Don't be afraid my dear. I won't burn you"it said and I nod my head. 

I should trust it. I place my hand on it head and smile. "Hey it isn't that bad"I giggle then the fire went around me. I was lift up the ground. "Accept your power and your love"it said. "I accept my power and love for I am Alison queen of the wolf"I said but not in my normal voice. 

It sound like the teenage me. I spread my arm out then saw myself into something different. "Alison?"Taya said as I put my hand out. "Come and fight me"I said. "OH I WAS ITCHING FOR A FIGHT!"the evil me said. I roar then spear appear. 

"Selina spear!"I said as I point at her. "BITCH PLEASE! APOLLO SUNBLOCK"she yelled then it broke all my spear. I growl as some of the fire turn into a lion. It ran then the evil me made dark magic into a demon. I need to weaken her. 

I flew around her as she look at me. "CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN IS ALMOST DONE. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO STOP ME?!"she said then I saw something. Her bare chest. I quickly made some small ball. "Moon of pain"I whisper then threw it at her stomach. 

It stuck her then explored on her. She scream as she almost fell to her knee. "Starstruck"I whisper as I made my wand appear. Thunder came as the whole sky turn dark. Everyone look at me as I pull a string from my wand. 

Just shoot her down and all of this will be over. She look at me full of tear. I gasp as I grip on my string. "I can't"I said as I put my wand down. "What?!"Christian said. "WHY AREN'T YOU FIGHTING BACK?!"she yell. 

"This isn't the way. I can't harm you. You are part of me and part of someone else. Are you hurt emotionally?"I said and she look down. "Yes"she whisper. "I am so sorry. Please tell me"I said and she shook her head. 

"I can't. You may laugh at me"she said then I put my hand up. "Artemis wall"I whisper then there was a wall surrounded us. She look up then look at me. "Why are you doing this?"she said in a normal voice. 

"Because I was once like you. I was hurt and I wanted to destroy everything in my path but I soon noticed that it will hurt me more if I attack the people I love most. It better if I told them how I really feel"I said as I look away. 

"Okay. I was in love with the joker but it was a dare at first. Then when he saw me with another boy, he thought I was cheating on him. I lied and said I did so he would leave me. Then as days went by, I didn't noticed that I miss him and how he made me feel. 

I try to find him but then I saw him with you, I was consume by anger. I did hurt him but it was to release my pain. But now I see why he chose you"she said as she smile. "So please. Let stop this and be friend. I promise to help you"I said as I put my hand out. 

She look at it then at me. "Why are you helping me?"she said. "I am helping you because I understand how you feel. I used to fall in love with this boy and I thought I was finally found true love. I didn't know better because I never been to the outside world. 

All I grew up was love on first sight. I thought the outside world is just like that. But I lost it all. I wanted to hurt everyone. I want to push people away because I didn't want to be hurt. I didn't know how much it harm me until later. 

I learn how to let go by two great friend who sadly weren't that good friend. I let go and I am still mad at him but forgive him for everything I put him in. After that, my life became so much brighter. You should see me now. 

I have great friend and a great boyfriend who love me. So let me be that person who guide you to the right path"I said. She smile and touch my hand. Slowly the dark magic flew off her. She smile and giggle as myself disappear. 

A little black wolf was on my hand and it curl itself into a little ball and fell a sleep. I smile as I kiss it little head. I please it near my heart then it went into my heart. I gasp as I fell toward my knee then the wall shatter. I slowly saw my clothes turning back to normal. 

"Alison?"Christian said as I put my hand on my forehead. I look at him and he smile. "Oh my god are you okay? Are you yourself again?"Christian said. "I guess so?"I said as I blink my eyes fast. What happen back there? "Do you remember who I am?"said a familiar voice. 

I look up then I saw Jake. "No way! Jake?! Is that you?"I yell as I leap toward him. He laugh as he hug me back. "I miss you!"I said as I put my head on his shoulder. "I miss you too my little adorable child"he said as I laugh.

"Yep that our Alison"Christian said as we got up. "We really need to spend time with each other"I said. "Agree"he said as we laugh. I look up and saw Joker who is know Liam. "Sweetie? What happen to you?"I said as I put my hand on his cheek. 

"She stole my magic"he said. "Oh I am so sorry my love"I said as he touch my hand. "It okay. I think it better if she took my power. At least she didn't take you away"he said as I kiss his nose. "So you are just a normal human being?"I said. 

He bit his lip which is the most cutest thing I ever seen. He pull his sleeves then i saw the wolf mark. "Wait? You are the son of the big bad wolf?"I whisper. "I am. I'm so sorry that I didn't told you"he said. "No I forgive you sweetie"I said as we close our eyes.

"WHAT?! YOU FORGIVE HIM SO EASILY WHILE YOU TRY TO KILL ME?!"Taya yelled. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I wasn't on my right mind"I said as I smile softly. "I forgive you too. Feel lucky you are too cute"Taya said as I giggle. 

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