This isn't Alison. Our Alison is in a little girl body

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🐬Michelle pov🐬
I was busy practicing with my Katana.

I need to train more if I want to protect my friend. I smile as I put it away. I took off my helmet and let my long hair flow. I sigh as I walk out of the mat. "Good job"said a voice. I look up and saw this boy. "Who are you?"I said.

"I am so hurt"he joke as he smile. "Tell me"I said as place the tip of the sword on his neck. "Okay my name is Saeran"He said. Saeran? Where did I heard that name? "Do I know you?"I said. "No. So you are new in this team huh?"he said as he smile at me. 

"What do you care? You shouldn't be here"I said. He chuckle as I grip on the handle. "Sweet sweet young beautiful girl. You look wonderful when you are angry"he said as I lower my sword. What the hell is wrong with him? 

"You are way better then Alison. You have so much fire inside of you"he said as he touch my chin. Alison? Wait a min. I kick him as I growl. I remember now. He used to be Alison boyfriend. "How dare you"I said as he cough. 

"Strong too? You are better then her"he said as he stood up. "You should be a shame. You are a player!"I said as I put my katana away. I walk away then I found Alison who was talking to fairy godmother. "Alison, we have to go"I said as I grab her hand. 

"Unhand me you disgrace!"she said as she pull her hand away. What? "Listen here. I am trying to save your life. Your ex boyfriend is here"I said. She put her hand up then went toward the training room. What is she doing? 

"Alison! Sweetie you are here!"Saeran said as he smile. Alison chuckle then put her hand up. "Get out of here"she said. "Dear? What are you doing?"he said as he look scare. "I know what you have be doing. How was it? You know, having sex with other girls? 

Was it fun? Well it time to show you out the door. I mean I am not letting you try to hurt any more girls like this. I am not letting you go off that easily. Let me show you the way out if you like"she said as she grin. This isn't Alison. 

She hate saying the word sex. Heck she won't even say it, she call it the 'adult thing'. She blast him with her magic then sigh. "Too bad he couldn't stay a little longer. The fun was about to start"she said as she put her hand on her hips. 

"Alison what did you do?"I said. "I send him back home that all. Geez you all worry to much of me. Of course it because I am a princess and you well in most of your story, you died because a boy doesn't love you back"She said as she left. 

Fairy godmother clap for her as she bow. What is going on? When did this happen? How did this happen? And why is she hanging out with her?! I thought Godmother try to killed her!  I walk away then I saw Taya. 

"Hey Taya, do you know-"I said but stop when I saw a little girl on a guy arm. "Oh hey Michelle"she said as I went closer to the girl. I brush her hair back then I gasp. The drawing of the crown. It is still there. 

"Is she who I think she is?"I said as I look at Taya. She and Lacey nod together. It can't be. I saw her few minutes ago. I pick her up then place her in my arm. She smile as she hug her plush white tiger. I smile as Taya frown. 

"Look we need to hurry up and find Alison. Did you see her?"she said. "Yes. She is in the training room but she isn't who she is. I think she been taking over by evil"I said. "No it worst then that. But I will fix it"Taya said as she ran off. 

"What do I do with her?"I said. "Take her to her room!"Lacey yell. I shurg and carry her to her room. It look like a child room. So her. I place her on my bed then bend down. She open her eyes then gasp. "Pretty lady!"she said as she pet my cheek.

I smile then touch her hand softy. "Something wrong?"she ask. "Nothing child"I said as I look away. She took her hands away then took my hand. She place it on her chest then close her eyes. A faint glow appear where her heart should be. 

I felt a cool wave of air going through my blood. What is she doing? Her hair went back down as the glow fade away. How is that possible? "Can you feel it?"she said. "Um what was it if I may ask"I said. "It was hope. Now I am tired"she said.

She lay down again as I place a blanket on her. Hope? She gave me hope? That is impossible. I took her teddy bear and place it near her. I close the door then look on the hallways. I quickly ran to do my new mission.

We need to go and save Alison

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