Finding out the truth

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💎Jennifer pov💎
I attack Kevin while Bryam go save his little princess.

I threw some Yawara and threw it at him. "Miss!"he yell. "Did I?"I said then pull my hand back. Yawara was pull back and hit his pressure point on his knee. He hiss as he fell down. "Not so tuff uh?"I said as I caught my yawara.
"I promise this won't be the last you see me!"he said as he jump out of the window. "Yeah see you tomorrow at school"I said then I sent a quick text to the others. They need to come here and ask about Kevin. Why was he anyway?

I walk back to the kitchen and found Alison's mother talking to Bryam who was carrying her in his arm. "Jennifer. Thank you for taking him out. I remember he used to be the worst. Just like her father"she said. Wait a min?!

She knew that guy! "Yes dear. I speak English and I knew him. I knew everyone of them. Even the evil queen. She make the most delicious apple pie!"she said. "Wait but how did you knew?"I said. I thought no one knew about us.

"I had to. Alison isn't mostly human"she said. What? She gasp then she spread her arm. The whole place was super clean! Someone knock on the door and she went to open it. "Yes how may I help you?"she said.

"We are Alison friend and we wanted to see if Alison is okay?" said a voice. It was Kirsha. "Of course come in"she said then Christian went almost running. "Alison? What happen to her?"he ask. "Kevin"I said.

"Who?"he ask as I sigh. "Son of Jafar. He is your enemy"Her mother said. "How do you know?!"Michelle said. "I know because I have met them before. I was special for some reason and Red let me introduced all the villain who help me take care of Alison"she said.

She went to get some food from the fridge. "Apples?"she said. "Yes thank you. I go take Alison to her room"bryam said as he took her inside the other door. "You all want to know about Alison. Am I right?"she said.

"Yes. You told me she isn't mostly human. Can you tell us why?"I said. "That true. When I met Red, she was trying to help a sick animal. I let them come home with me and heal it. She was happy to have her dog back.

We talk for a while until she told me that she was little red riding hood. I though it was a joke until her dog started to speak. She told me that she wanted me to carry her child. I didn't knew but I let them stay here for the night.

I talk to my husband who think it was a bad idea. But I agree to it. The next day,I told them I agree and she said she was trying to find a way for me to have a baby and get her DNA with it. She made me drink a lot of potions.

Those potions are horrible until she found the right one. It was mixed with some fairy dust, crystal of the most powerful magic and some blood of the past. The shadow king blood. I didn't knew it was dangerous but I did it.

I drank it then a few months later Alison was born. I felt so happy when I had her in my arm. She gave me hope. I never felt that vibe go away. It glow to everyone. Even the villain. They told me that they will help me raise her,control her power.

It was hard but we did it. Alison unleash a lot of power when she was little until she learn that she was different from anyone. Red took her memory and place it away. That why Alison can't remember much when she was little.

We couldn't try to stop her hope vibe. We fear it might attract evil villain who want to destroy her. We try to stop her sending that vibe. I try everything but nothing work. She try her best to fight back and sent out more of that vibe"she said as she cry.

📜Kirsha pov📜
I listen to Alison mother story.

It make sense now. Red couldn't be pregnant so she act like her husband who was a wolf who is hurt and see who had a good heart which was Alison mother. That why her mother doesn't show any emotion and hurt her daughter emotion.

So Alison doesn't attract any evil villain. But if she gave out those hope vibe then that mean one thing. "Miss,by any chance that crystal of the most powerful magic is the soul hope?"I ask. She bit her lips then I heard the answer I need.

The soul hope is inside of her

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