Training them...I am proud of them and surprised

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🐻Taya pov🐻
I waited for the group to come out of school.

Today I am going to training them. Vanessa need to learn how to fight or distance herself during a fight, Britney need to practice to shield herself, Kirsha need to depend on her weapon and Christian need to learn how to work together.

Alison? Well she look she need to work to fight with her body,not depend on her weapon. "Taya!"Kirsha said as she hug me. "Hey Kirsha! How are you today?!"I said. "Great! Look what I got in my report card!"she said as she show it to me.

"Wow an 90% on your overall average?! That is awesome!"I said. She smile until we saw Vanessa and Alison. "What you got on your report card?"I said. Alison gave me her report card. "It nothing seriously" she said as she frown.

"A 91.68% You beat me!"Kirsha said. "But I went down on 5 point in English"she said. Oh. Her mother is going to scream her like last time. She suppose to go up but her mom is so annoying. She making her into a adult even thought she is still a kid!

"So what? Hey want to go learn some new tricks?"I said. She smile and cheer. "Hey guys! Sorry we are kinda late!"Britney said. "Hey where Christian?"I said. Someone jump on Alison which made her scream.

"Monster attacking me!"she yell. "Aw that hurt"Christian said as he hug her. "Oh not he is hugging me! I am dying!"She yell as she try to escape. We all laugh as he let her go. "Come on! We got some training to do!"I yell.

They cheer as we all ran to the library. We went to the taring room and I made my bow and arrow appear. "Now let start with Birtney"I said. She drop her stuff and took out her weapon. Dagger. That mean it help them get closer to kill.

I place my finger on the string and pull it. I shot it but she doge them. Good. I twirl my bow which turn into a sword. I block her attack and she fell down when I knock her down. "Give up?"I said but then I fell down. "Nope!"she said.

She stood up and then place her dagger next to my neck. "Okay okay! I yield"I said. She smile as the other cheer. "When did you learn how to get better"I said. "Oh I started practicing. Let say it was Christian idea to watch some action movie or learn karate with him"She said.

"And talking about Christian,how about Vanessa and him get up"I said. They both look at each other then stood up. "Now I want you to fight me. But together so you both learn to work together"I said.

They nod and went to their position. I twirl my sword and it turn into a bow. I made three arrow appear and shot it at them. They move away and look at me. "Let do this!"I said. Vanessa ran then made her steal fan appear.

She threw it at me and I doge it. Christian threw something in my eyes. I scream then someone went on me. They cover my eyes and by using my nose, I smell perfume and that mean it was Vanessa. I threw myself down.

Vanessa scream then I felt someone sword on my neck. "This is great!"I said as they let me go. Now I don't have to worry about them during battle. I smile as Kirsha stood up. "Let see what you can do"I said.

She threw her spell book toward Vanessa and brought out a staff? It doesn't look like a perfect weapon for her. She tap it and turn into a ribbon. She spin it around then made it snap at me. "Woah! Don't tell me you grew a spine!"I said.

"I did and I am stronger then I look!"she yell as she went the ribbon warp around me. I scream as it shock me. I fell to the ground. "You really surprise me!"I said happily. They remind me of me when Merida train me

"Alison! It your turn. You have to learn how to fight without your weapon"I said. She gasp and shook her head. "But I can't hurt you! You are my friend"she said. I launch my fist toward her. She duck and went off running.

I try to kick her but she doge my attack. "Alison! You need to punch me"I said. "I can't!  I don't want to hurt you!"she yell as she hit her back on a wall. "Do it! Stop being so kind because no one will be kind in a battlefield!"I yell.

Her eyes widen and then she grip on my fist. I gasp when I saw something in her eyes. A girl shimmer with a golden light. Don't tell me that-She kick me on the stomach and I hit the left wall. "I am so sorry!"she yell.

Please tell me she is getting close to her destiny

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