Alison can't forget me right?

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🐒Christian pov🐒
I wonder how fast they made this party. 

Must be magic. I chuckle at that thought. I made a pun I thought as I ate a donut. I look at Alison who was busy dancing with Joker which she just shaking her hips and moving her hands. I smile as I went for a drink.

"So how it been?"said a voice. I turn around and saw Jennifer. "It been great,you?"I said. "It seen so fun here. I like being part of your group. It make me feel like being in a part of something"she said as she smile.

"We are a big family here. Taya is the mother, Kirsha is the big protected sister, Michelle is the protected sister and Alison is the little sister"I said. Jennifer laugh as I smile. "Then what make us then?"she said. 

"Well I am the handsome brother while you are the nice aunt"I said as she roll her eyes. "Wow. You know us too well"She said. "Of course I do. I mean you guys are in my team right?"I joked as she laugh. "So what you think about the future?"she said.

"What you mean?"I said. "I mean of course we all still a team but what happen after we defeat the shadow king?"She said as she drank her juice. "We see what happen when it happen"I said as I look away. 

I don't want anyone to know about what I saw. She stay with me for a few minutes then pull away by someone. I am alone again. Great. Maybe I should check how it is going with the other. They might be busy or having fun

Kirsha is with her mother, Michelle is busy talking with Puss in boot, Taya is with Octavia and Alison is doing her own thing. I walk away from the party. I look a the moon as I sigh. What will happen when we defeat the shadow king? 

Will we all go back to being normal or what? Is that vision that Godmother should me is really true? "Hello Christian"said a voice. I turn around and saw Octavia. "Oh hey"I said as I look back. "What wrong leader?"she said as she stood by my side. 

"Do you ever feel like you should be scare of what going to happen in the future?"I said. She sigh and nod. "I get that. Or maybe it something deeper"she said. What? I look at her. "I mean maybe you are afraid to lose someone in your team?"She said as she grin. 

"No. Everyone in my team is important to me"I said as I grip on my cup. I am the leader and I should care about everyone. She hum as Alison came out. "Hey you two! Guess what I found out?"she said. "I don't know. Tell me you little monster?"I said as I pet her hair. 

"I found a good music which is called 'friends' Do you think I should play it?"she said as she smile. "Yeah you should. Go knock them dead but not literally"I said. She nod then ran off with her phone in her hand. "Everyone huh?"she said. 

"Look that is my business and not yours. I have to go"I said. "Aw so you are afraid"she said. "I am not afraid. Shouldn't you go and flirt with Taya?"I said. "What ever but if you let Alison hang out with the joker so long, then she will forget about you"she said before she left.

🀄Octavia pov🀄
I walk away from him then went behind a pillar.

My plan is working. Not quickly but slowly it will come to plan. Then I will be free from that witch. I place the ball on the ground and then I saw those horrible eyes. "Why did you cut my call?!"she said.

"Sorry but I had a job to which is to get Alison to trust me?"I said as I rolled my eyes. "I knew that. Um who Alison?"she said. I smile and chuckle. "Really? She is wolf girl? The one who is dating the joker?"I said.

"How dare she is?! She doesn't deserve him! I do!"she yelled. "Whatever. You know what happen if I did this. You give me back my freedom"I said. "Yes yes. When you finish it. So how are you going to break them up?"she said.

"Easy. I have to make sure Alison doesn't get her freedom. If it doesn't work then I used plan B"She said. "Plan B? You mean that thing I gave you"she said. "Yes and I remember that I can only have one and it must work"I said.

"Good. You know how I can't stand mermaid! How they talk and their deal! I mean I just need one scale and that it. Like they can't be nice?"she said. "Look. Do you want the joker and the hope soul?!"I said.

The eyes nod. "Good now stop complaining about it and try to focus on the plan! Get the hope soul and your love!"I said as I growl at her. "Geez calm down. Witch out!"she yell as she disappear into the ball.

Now we have to wait for the plan to start
Wow! I can't believe how many people have read my story! Man I wish more people have read my other story. But please comment, vote and share it to your friends! Love you my pixies!

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