Helping them escape

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📜Kirsha pov📜
I sat on the cage as everyone try to escape.

"Let us out!"Liam said. "Can't. The cage of anger is the most power magic of all. Isn't that right my love?"Bryam said as he look at Alison. "Nope! I will stop you"she said then slip down. She laugh then she was caught by the flying demon. 

"Sweetie we were childhood friend. I know everything that you do or plan"he said as Alison growl. "Don't worry Alison. We will get out of here"Christian said then he look at me. "Is there any spell that can help us escape?"he said. 

"Not that I know. I don't have my spell-book with me"I said. "We can't give up"Taya said as Bryam went toward the school. "Hello fellow mortal!"he yell and people look at him. "This isn't going to be good"I whisper.

"I am your new king and this young lady is your new queen!"he yell as the demon move Alison close to him. "You are so stupid to think that I am your girlfriend or your queen!"She yelled. "Yeah. Why did she get to be queen?"said a familiar voice. 

"Don't question your king"He yelled as he put his wand up. The cloud turn dark as everyone scream in fear. The school became into a dark looking castle. "We need to do something"Liam said. "Kirsha what do we do?"Chrsitian said.

"How am I supposed to know?! I don't have my spell-book"I said as I look away. He place a tied up Alison on a throne next to a scary throne. "Don't worry dear. I put your friend near you all the time"Bryam said.

"You better let us out!"I yelled at him. "And why would I? You guys are my prisoner. If I let you out then you might free my queen"He said as he grin. "Let them go. Just have me instead. I do anything you want"she said. 

"No my sweetie. We must make you into a queen and I don't want for you to complain of not having your freedom"he said as he kiss her hand. They walk away as she look back as us. "We need to get out of here"I said then I look at Taya. 

"Hey don't you have super strength?"I said. She shrug then try to bend the cage. "Nothing. I think it haven't kick in"she said as I growl. "Come on!"I yell then sigh. I just need to calm down and think. I cross my leg then close my eyes. 

Think of nothing. There got to be a way to get out if here. "Kirsha" said a voice then I open my eyes. "Mother?"I said. "Hello my dear. How are you?"she said as she sip her tea and a book in her other hand. "What are you doing here?"I said as she got up. 

"I am here to help you"she said as she walk toward me. "So? Help me. I need to help my friend"I said then she chuckle. "What so funny?"I said. "Nothing my dear. It just. You remind me of my friend. When they try to save us from fairy godmother"she said. 

What?! Fairy godmother?! "Tell me everything"I said. "Fariy godmother wanted to control the whole world because she wanted us fariy tale to be noticed. I couldn't do anything until I unleashed a new power. The keeper of spell. 

I was able to save my friend and defeat the fariy godmother.But don't worry, fairy godmother was always get replace. Because most of them get crazy over magic but for strange reason they always the memories of the first godmother"she said. 

So all of them were different fariy godmother? That kinda make sense but what make them have the same memories of the first one? "The crystal mountain"Jennifer said. What? I shook my head then I saw my friend. "Was I talking to myself?"I said. 

"Yes and the answer to your question is the crystal mountain. That where they store all the memory"She said. "We need to get there"I said then I look at the bar. "But first we need to escape"I said. "Yeah. I thought that was the plan all along"Christian said. 

I can do this. I am the keeper of the spell so if I make random spell then maybe I can set myself free. "The bar break!"I yell but nothing happen. What did I do wrong? "Is that how the spell supposed to work? It doesn't sound like a spell to me"Liam said. 

Right. It need to sound like a spell. "To make this story not come to an end, we need to make this  bend"I said then the bar started to bend at will. "Yes!"I said as the gang cheer. I went first then the other went,making sure they don't fall. 

"Kirsha. Look!"Taya said as I look at myself. A little dragon appear from my heart and yawn. It look at me then flew around me,change my clothes. It burp out a staff and I grab it. "I became the keeper"I whisper as I smile softly. 

"Hey!"someone yelled and we saw the demon guard came toward us. The dragon roar,making itself big and ran toward them. Most of the guard try to attack it but fail. "For us to get to the sky, we must spread our wing and fly"I said, putting my staff in the air then wings appear on us. 

"Kirsha, have I ever told you how cool you are"Michelle said. "Nope"I said as the guard growl. "Attack!"they yell. I spin my staff around then attack them. "Liam, go save Alison"I said as I rode on my dragon. "What?"he said as he punch a demon in the face. 

"Go save her and take her to the crystal mountain"I said. He nod and flew off. "Get him! He is after our queen!"yelled a guard. Jennifer took a piece of glass and made it into a glass slipper. "What the heck Jenny? It no time to go to the ball!"Taya said. 

Jennifer grin as she broke it then threw it like a boomerang. "I stand corrected"Taya said as she catch it. "Come on! We need to go and fight Bryam. We need to give them time for Alison to recover"I said as we ran.

Don't worry. This time, we will fight till the end of our life

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