I am must be the brain in my group of 'friends'

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Kirsha pov

"Fresh air! I love the fresh air! I am going to catch a wolf!"Alison yell as she ran off.

"Do you think she be fine?"I said.I met Alison during history.She may be shy but once you know her,she started to have fun.Most time take some risks.We all look at Alison then we heard an oh no.We look at Britney who was holding Alison's bag.

What is she doing with Alison book bag?.She will kill her for touching her book bag."What the oh no?"Vanessa said.Britney shake the bag and then some bag of candy fell out."Did Alison ate any of these?"Vanessa ask.That a dumb question.

Of course she ate it because how you explain the empty packet? "Yes she ate them 8 period" Christian said as her mother took out tents."So how many minutes pass?"she ask."Well it been 40 min why?"I said.What wrong with Alison eating so much candy? 

"We got to find or else she go crazy!"Britney yell.If She is worry about Alison like this,it must something bad must happen if we don't find her.We all ran in different way and I push some bushes out of the way.I wonder if I might get lost? 

It not a really big wood but we all must be careful.I walk then heard someone chatting.Someone also must be on a camping trip? I follow it and saw a women with a beast?! I try not to scream out loud.The girl was pleasing the beast for something.

He growl then look at the cell next to her.This must be Beauty and the beast.How did you know? said a voice."Well there is only one fairy tale that has a beast and that is Beauty and the beast.I saw the movie four time"I said.

Then it show Belle in a simple light pink dress with the beast who still a beast not human.They reading some book on the grass."I think she is here,beast"she said as she close her book.She stood up and smile."You can come out my child"she said.

I walk toward them and blush."I am so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt.I am looking for my crazy friend.You might know her as hyper?"I said.She giggle as the beast grin.She walk toward me and put her hand on my cheek.

"You are beautiful.I always been watching out for you.Well the beast was.I was so busy in the consult"she said."Wait?! You are in a consult?! Cool which one?"I said.She chuckle as she look at my necklace."Ah you haven't took it out I see? That good"she said.

"Oh! My mother told me that if I wear this,my guardians angel will be watching me.So I wear it everyday"I said.I remember when I first went to school,I was scare.My mother gave me my bracelet.She told me to wear it all the time.

Then I met some cool friends and I didn't felt scare anymore."That good that you listen to your mother.I have something to confess.My name is Belle and you are my descendant"she said. "How is that possible? Are you even real? Sorry if that sound mean"I said.

"It alright.Yes,I am real to answer your question.Your bracelet was mine until it was time to pass it down"she said."Are you dead?"I yell.She laugh then show me her wrist.A book tattoo.It look like the charm from my bracelet.

"Also I want you to have this"she said as she wave her hand.A Tree trunk open and show a book."Um thanks but I got a lot of books at home"I said."No that is a spell book.You will need it because your friends are....risk taker"she said.

Oh I get.In school,we all got mean nickname.Alison was crazy or sick minded,Christian was idiot, Vanessa is dropout and Britney was....I don't really know.Mine was nerd but that didn't hurt me as much as those word to them.

"I will.I promise to protect them"I said.She nod then we hard someone screaming."That must be Vanessa.Must be her nice clothes got wet or an ugly animal she must saw"I said."I will see you later"She said before she was gone.

I smile and ran.I bump into someone and saw Alison with a lion?! "Hi Krisha! Guess who I found? It feisty.Maybe I should change the name into something"she said.Nope I am out of here! I don't want to become it next meal!

I ran into into I found Vanessa near a pond? "Vanessa!"I yell.She turn around and look at me. "Where did you get that?"she said.She must be talking about the spell book.I quickly put in behind me.

"I had it in my bag all this time.Any way found Alison?"I said.I cant tell them about that I saw Belle and I am part of her.They might think I am crazy.Well not Alison but the other."Nope,how about you?"she said."Yeah we found her but you might want to see this"I said.

She follow me.When she look up as we saw Alison hugging a big lion."Wow that Feisty!?"Britney said as she hug Christian.I wonder when they got there?."Yep! And you are not taking her away!"she said as the lion purr.

How am I able to take care of them like I promise?

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