He ask me out?! and what happen with the joker?

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💖Alison pov💖
I push my hair as I walk to school.

Today I am suppose to take the regent but I came early. Again. I hate it when I come early to a place. I mean it like a curse sometime. I sat down on the stair then focus on my phone. Maybe something interesting happen.

Or maybe not. I took out my basket who is now a purse and see if I can find some candy. Or some thing that can help me pass the exam! "Hey what are you doing here all alone?"someone said. That voice sound familiar.

"Um none of your business fool"I said as I took something out. Aw yeah! Jolly rancher! My favorite! "Oh then I am sorry if I bother you"said the voice. I pull my head up and gasp. It is him! And I was so rude to him!

I stood up and clean my short. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean that! You are very smart and hand-I mean cool! I mean"I said then I cover my mouth. Stupid Alison you are embarrassing yourself. He laugh which made me uncover my mouth.

Why did he laugh? Did I made myself into a fool? "It okay. Hey! You are that girl that bump into me in gym and in my AP history class right? I thought you need some company. Your friend didn't came uh?"he said as he look around.

"Yeah. That me. The girl that bump into and in your class. My friend? They are smarter then me so they don't need to take this 10 grade test"I said. I really hate Geometry. He smile at me which made me blush.

"Well I think you are smart. But in your own way"he said. "Really! I mean really you think so?"I said as I calm myself down. He did noticed me?! I could scream right now! But no then I might scare him.

Like I mostly scare other people because of my action. Alison no time for depression because he is talking to you! And also speak up! He might like you back! "Well how you been?"I ask. "Good. I also need a break from my friend. They have a lot of energy" he said which made me smile.

"I get it. So what you are going to do for the summer?"I said. He thought then he sat down next to me. Omg! I never been this close to him! Well only one time but that it!  "I don't know. Maybe seeing my family and play video game. What about you?"he said.

"Well I think I might not I will get my summer job! And maybe painting! I love art!"I said as I sat next to him. Play it cool or else it will scar your life. "That cool. I remember you always carry that sketch book. Can I see some?"he said.

I nod and brought it out. Hey you never know when you get bored or you have an art idea that you might need it. Our fingertip touch and I bit my lips. Don't freak out Alison. You just touch fingertip and that all.

Nope! I will not become like one of those fan girls! He hum as he check my book. "Wow this is beautiful! You drew this? This is amazing"he said. "You really thinks so? That really nice of you to say"I said as I blush.

He took out a pencil and wrote something down. "It the truth. You should really do this as a career and don't open it until I leave"he said as he gave me back my sketch book. He like my art work! I am so happy!

"Thanks but I already know what I want to be"I said. "Hey I been meaning to ask you if you like to hang out some time"he said. He want to hang out? With me?! Someone pinch me! I must be dreaming right now!

"Yeah sure. I would love to"I said. He smile then hug me?! Okay someone save me or else I turn into melted jelly! "Then it a date"he said then went inside. Did he just said it was a date? A date?! I must be dreaming!

But what about Joker? Am I allow to go see someone else if you already went on a date with someone else? I am so bad at this! I mean it just a hang out right? No he said date. He change it to date!

What am I going to do!? I mean I can solve problem with friends and family and I can multitask but I never been like this before! I need help! This is going to fast. I look around then check on my sketch book.

It was some few number. Is it a phone number?! His phone number?! I got his phone number?! I squeal as I hug my book! I am in love! But I must focus on my exam and on that date. Oh no what have I done?

What am I going to do? I don't know a thing about dating

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