Talking to the shadow king

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💖Alison pov💖

That all I have to say. It feel so comfortable and safe. Can I stay here for ever? Can I? I felt someone hugging me as I pull myself closer to them. Warmth. Where have you been? I never felt this warmth before.

Maybe because I never had a hug for a long time. I don't know but I am loving this. I open my eyes and saw a field of rainbow flower. Isn't this were I met Red? It got to be. I wonder around thinking how did I get here? .

"Hello chosen warrior"Said a voice. I turn around and saw this shadow figure. "What you mean chosen warrior?"I said. A mirror appear then I saw my warrior form. "Oh that. Well thanks"I said as I look at myself.

"Warrior do you know what your fate laid?"he said. I think it is he because of his voice. "Nope. But I hope it a good one"I said as I smile at him. He shook his head? and float toward me? "Your fate is your deaf"he said. My deaf? 

That mean I am going to died? "You mean I am going to be killed?"I said. "Yes my child because of me"he said sadly. "You mean you are the shadow king?"I said as I hug myself. That mean he was with in me the whole time. He was the voice in my head.

I smile at him. "If that what I have to do to stop you and protect this world then that what I must do"I sigh as I put my hand on my heart. His mask's eyes went wide as he went around me. "You aren't scare?"he ask.

"I am scare but everything has an end?"I said as I let a tear fall down. "But what about your family?"he ask. My family? "I bet they won't care. I mean they want me to became someone I don't want to be and this is a way to be free from this right?"I said

He went down and pick up some flower. What is he doing? He put inside him then it came out as a flower crown. It was blue rose crown. With no pointing thing. I smile and try to take it but he pull it away. Okay then? 

He place it on my head and I giggle. "Are you pure?"he ask. I nod and he hum. "Why?"he ask. Why? Well I don't know. I really don't know. But my head does hurt a little. "It because I feel bad for the villain"I finally answer.

He look confused. "Well when I saw every cartoon, I always hear the sad story about the villain and why they became a bad guys. I thought maybe they need to change or find someone who can help them become angel again"I said.

I always remember how kids cheer for the hero then say bad stuff about the villain but I always wonder why can they understand the villain's pain? They are people too so why should we treat them any different?

"That is very nice of you. People should be like you"he said. I smile then he went behind me. What is he doing? I felt something on my hair then pull down. Is he brushing my hair? "You know I see everything in your eyes right?"he said.

I look down then I felt him brushing my hair with his finger. "So you wanted to be free? Loved by a parent instead of having parent who don't know how to express their emotion because of their childhood?"he said as my eye went wide.

Yes. I always see other parent doing that and I am always force to study so I can get a better future. So yeah I didn't have a good childhood. "Yes"I whisper. "So let make a deal"he said. I move away and look at him. "What kind of deal?"I said. 

"Well you should know I never had a daughter or any child and you never had a childhood so what if I treat you a loving parent to you? What u will win is a childhood and maybe we find a way so you don't have to died?"He said.

"Why? Isn't it my destiny to died?"I said as I  hug myself. "Someone pure like you don't deserve to died. I think you deserve to live a life longer then this"he said. "But aren't you supposed to be evil?"I said. "Who said I was evil?"He said.

That answer shock me. He isn't evil? Then who is the main villain in this chapter? It can't be the joker so could it be the fairy godmother? "If you are thinking of my wife then she is"He said. What?! "You mean this whole were married to godmother?!"I yell.

"Alison. Focus. She the one who need to be stop! She the one who wanted you to died because of what Red did! She broke the law and made me trap in your mind!"he said. So that why she doesn't like me, huh?

Because of my mother? No. I am innocent like every problem that I been drag to. There is no way that Godmother hate her for just breaking a law. There is something everyone is hiding. Maybe I need to take this risk.

"Then let work together to show her what happen when she mess with the hood family"

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