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• Live chat starts NOW! 

6 Different Prizes  

• 6 Wattpad Surprises

♥ ○○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○○ ♥

L I V E   C H A T :

I'm here for 60 minutes starting NOW (Saturday, June 23rd, 2018 at 11:00 am Eastern Time)! 

Please try to use inline comments so I don't miss your message:

General Chat

► Say Hi◄

      ► Pitch Your Werewolf Story (include story title and short description) ◄      

    ► Chat About Anything ◄    

STAWP Feedback 

    ►★☆☆☆☆ Rate or Review STAWP ★★★★★◄  

  ► Ask for More/Longer Updates ◄  

► Give me suggestions or advice to make the story better◄     

  ► Rant◄  

Ask Mia Meade

► AMA (Ask Me Anything)◄    

  ►Ask About Future Books◄      

  ► Writing-Related Questions ◄      

Talk About Other Stories 

►Hunter's Luna◄

► Mermaid Story ◄

► STAWP Bonus Stories ◄

► The Dragon's Hoard ◄

♥ ○○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○○ ♥  

6   D I F F E R E N T   P R I Z E S :

Leave an inline comment next to each prize to enter.

► A follow on Wattpad  ◄

► A shoutout in a STAWP chapter ◄

► I'll name a new STAWP character after you ◄

  ► I'll add your story to my NEW "Written By STAWP Fans" Reading List ◄  

Instagram and Facebook Giveaways start at 1pm EST: 

► I'll write you into a short story: enter on

► I'll read up to 3 chapters of your book and give you feedback/writing advice: enter on

♥ ○○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○○ ♥  

6   W A T T P A D   S U R P R I S E S : 

12:30 pm (EST) : STAWP Update! 

2:30 pm (EST) :  a new short story (see: Dragon's Hoard)

4:30 pm (EST) :Jess POV of Logan's Birthday (see: STAWP Bonus Stories)

6:30 pm (EST) : another new short story (see: Dragon's Hoard)

8:30 pm (EST) : mermaid update (see: mermaid's kiss)

10:30 pm (EST) : STAWP Update! 

♥ ○○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○ ♥ ○○ ♥  

Thank you for joining me to celebrate 6 million reads! 

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