Chapter Thirty-Two! Moving Forward

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"START YOUR MUSIC CAREER EARLY!" Louis and Harry said simultaneously, with jazz hands.

"Nice try." I chuckled. "But not an option."

"Fine..." They grumbled. Suddenly, another voice filled the cabin.

"We've landed in Connecticut." The voice said.

"WE'RE GOING TO YALE!" I screamed, a grin spreading across my face.


Louis' POV:

Well here we are... At stupid Yale that means so much to Amy. What's so great about this place? It doesn't look any different than any University in the UK. If she wants to go to another place so bad, go to Ireland or something! Seriously...

Well we looked over all the campus. Well the boys and I did, while Amy practically inhaled it. Yeah we got asked for a few pictures and all that, but most of the campus was deserted, it was summer after all. Finally, we came to our last stop, the auditorium.

When we took the first step in the place, I instantly regretted it. The stage was amazing. And the room was empty. We got it all to ourselves. Amy immediately sprinted onstage and took a seat on it. She swiveled around, taking in the sights of the place. I admit, it was the coolest one I had ever seen at a school. I took a deep breath, and ran up onstage with her. I took a seat at the piano and started playing a few chords.

"Would you like to perform Miss Parker?" I asked her, smiling. If there was one thing I did like about this place, it was how happy she was here.

She grinned back. "I would be honoured Mr. Tomlinson."

The boys took seats in the front row and clapped enthusiastically. All except for Harry. I had no clue where that boy could be. No matter, I continued playing the Summer Nights chords until Amy took a seat on the piano, swinging her legs with the music.

After singing both Summer Nights, and You're the One I Want, I paused.

"Any final requests?" I asked her, hovering over the piano.

"Don't Rain on My Parade!" She exclaimed. I groaned, then prepared myself.

"Wait!" Niall called out, laughing, with the other boys. "How do you know the song?"

"Well I told you she was obsessed. I wanted something to do while she sang the songs over and over..." I smirked. I played the song, she sang. I understood that the song was fairly happy, and upbeat. But I couldn't help but feel sad. This could be Amy's future. Here, in America. On this stage. I would be losing yet another girl in my life. I know that it sounds stupid, and I love the boys and all, but having Amy or Eleanor, the girls that were mine, that made it even more fun. As if it weren't enough that she started dating Harry.

When she was done, I just walked out. I couldn't take it. I ran down the long hall, almost running into Harry, and leaned against the brick wall outside of the building. I buried my head in my hands. I had such a headache. Jimmy, that little voice in my head started speaking.

"Well look at this. Louis Tomlinson, crying, And over a stupid girl who everyone in the world hates. Wouldn't you be better without her around you anyways? And even if she did start her music career early, you know that you wouldn't get to see her as much. Don't get all upset because of her. You're still the most funny, charming, sweet, caring, most talented boy I've known. Don't let her get you down." I heard a little bit of a sniffling beside me.

"Boy Jimmy, you're super emotional." I said, wiping a couple tears away with the back of my hand.

"I'm not Jimmy you idiot." Amy said, sitting next to me.

"You remember the song There Are Worse Things I Could Do?" I asked, trying to stop more tears.

"Yeah." She answered, leaning on my shoulder.

"It ends with "to cry in front of you. That's the worst thing I could do." And that's really true. I don't like to cry in front of you Jamie." I took my slouchy hat, and pulled it over my face. I smiled a little. Just like old days.

"Oh Louis... I think it's about time." Amy said, pulling the hat up. "Don't suffocate." She laughed.

"I'm supposed to be the happy one." I smirked.

"Well I'm giving you a run for your money." She laughed. "C'mon, we have to hop on our next plane!" She tugged me by the hand, her messenger bag swaying back and forth excitedly.

"I'll race you!" I smiled half-heartidly. We started running, but soon everything fell out of her bag. "Smooth Jamie." I said, and started picking things up, along with her.

I saw a few sheets with lines going acrossed them, and rhymed words.

"What are these?!" I exclaimed, looking them over, only to have them ripped out of my hands.

"Nothing." She snapped, shoving them back in her bags.

Jamie was writing songs.


Hey Lovelies! As the end of this book draws near, I can't help but begin to feel reminiscent. Not to long ago, I started this story as a completely different writer than I am today. I've enjoyed growing, as did the characters. And most importantly, I've enjoyed it with you guys. Thank you so much for having supported me with your reads, votes and kind words. It has been an honour writing for you, and I pray that you'll look at the prequel when this is all done. Call it a reunion of sorts. Anyways, sorry this is sappy, but I really just wanted to say that before the end because I'll be crying when it's over without the sappy author's note. xD


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