The Theory of Relativity (1)

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Hola! New story here. Teehee. Still unsure what I want to happen for this one so help me write it! Tell me your thoughts. :)


According to The Scientific American a little over 12,900 years ago, a comet made impact on the Earth's crust and a massive global cooling kicked in abruptly along with the end of the line for some 35 different mammal species, including the mammoth, as well as the so-called Clovis culture of the prehistoric North Americans. Modern day scientists later identified this phenomenon as The Ice Age.

Canis Major Dwarf is recorded to be .025 light year away from the Milky Way Galaxy and hence, the nearest galaxy to ours. Since this discovery, scientists have been trying to study and explain the relation of Canis Major Dwarf to the real astronomical age of the Milky Way galaxy and of our home planet, Earth.

When stars die, another phenomenon called the supernova happens where the stars spectacularly explode followed by the formation of black holes that suck in every debris left of the once magnificent celestial bodies. Canis Major Dwarf has two huge and more than a million year old stars that will later be named, Saphyr, which is twice as big as our own sun, and Sophora, which is the exact size of the Earth and its moon combined. Unfortunately, Saphyr and Sophora exploded almost at the same time shaking everything within their radius causing an asteroid to lose its orbit making contact to another one and the domino effect began, sending almost faint but significant ripples to other galaxies closest to Canis. The ripple that reached the fringes of Milk Way coincidentally resulted to another supernova, which will be the cause of the massive global cooling and extinction – The Ice Age on Earth.

As expected after the death of two of the biggest stars recorded from 12,900 years ago, their remains formed two black holes, so close they started to oppose each other's movement creating an endless whirlpool continuously sucking in whatever comes close to them and sending perpetual ripples to neighbouring galaxies.

Imagine your life now, you wake up at six in the morning to prepare for work, you will have your coffee at 6:15 and will take a shower at 6:30. By seven, you are already on your way to work; at twelve o clock you will feel your hunger creeping up from the pit of your stomach making its presence known for you to finally take a break from your 9-5 job. You prepare to go home fifteen minutes before you hit the clock out button at the bottom right of your computer monitor just above the time and date. You come out of the building and got into your car in just about ten minutes that by eight in the evening you are already preparing your dinner. You watch your favorite cable program from nine to eleven and turn off the television the moment the credits roll up. It will take you another ten minutes to floss and brush your teeth and think about what you are going to wear the next day before you are able to hit the sack and turn off the lights; by quarter to twelve you have already fallen asleep.

How did you feel about your life as of the moment? Did you feel organised? Did you feel secure knowing you know exactly what you are going to do at the time of the day? If you did feel all of the above-mentioned scenarios, congratulations because you are proven to be a normal abled human being. Now here is the thing, I want you to take everything you imagined your life to be and throw it away, just dispose those scenarios, those schedules and daily habit. I want you to forget all of them all at once because this is not about the story of order, schedule, obligations and habit. Why? Because what if you wake up tomorrow, to the fact that you suddenly lost all control over when and where you are? What would you do?

Althea Dawson was born on January 21, 2027 in a small sleepy town of Pennsylvania. She's the first-born daughter of the town physician and midwife. She grew up living in the well-off part of town, her father acquired ownership of the town's most sought after castle when the owner died. He was Dr. Dawson's stapled patient in his two-story medical clinic before. Althea has a pretty good childhood although most of the time she remembers constantly moving, she has this hazy memory of waking up to a different bed and different people although she still has no concept of time. Althea lived in the bliss of having the time in her hands, even though it was only in her head. Whenever she gets cranky and demanding about anything she wants her father would always say, "You still have tomorrow for that." And Althea believed him. Until one day, when Althea woke up and she was lost.

Jade Heart was born on October 3, 1977 in the city of New York. She's the only female child of two refugees. She grew up in the house right in the middle of Central Park after it was actually Central Park. Central Park was bombed by terrorists back in the year 1975 and became some sort of a pop-up refugee camp during the time of terrorism that didn't go away. Jade had a pretty rough childhood; she grew up literally bounded to her brothers, Philip, Andrew and after their mother gave birth to their youngest sibling, Jack. Jade grew up to be a responsible young lady who knows their routine, their priorities, and their course of life. Jade lived in the reality of the constantly moving and changing environment in the 70s, by constantly moving it means they do not have a permanent place to stay. Changing means change in general. Jade never wakes up in the same place and/or time again and she knows she has to be prepared for the worst. Her father trained them well, but he trained Jade so much so Jade is unbreakable.

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