One Day For Us (6)

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"Good afternoon Mrs. Guevarra."

"Good afternoon to you too, you're Jade Ramos right?"

"Right ma'am. I just want to ask if Althea's home?"

"Oh sorry honey, but her car's not in the driveway so she's still out. Why are you looking for her?"

"Oh because she told me that we're going to work on our literature project after class."

"Is that so, well you can come in and wait for her inside, if you want to? I'm baking cookies for her and Alcris."

"Sure Mrs. Guevarra."

"Just call me Megan." Megan smiled as she lead me to their living room, Althea and I didn't talk about working on our project after class and I know she's still not around I just want to tell her personally that Mr. Alves approves her idea of our adventures type of story.

"Alcris? We have a visitor."

"Vishitoy?" Alcris looked up from his coloring books.

"Yes honey, this is Jade, she's Althea's classmate. Be nice to her okay?" Megan explained and Alcris instantly abandoned his books to come to me.

"Okay." He looks up to me and clutches on my hand.

"Pway?" He asked me, and Megan just nodded and smiled.

"Alright, what do you want us play?" I asked, I've always wished to have a younger sibling, but mom and dad has already agreed to settle with just Nadine and me.

"Jenga!" Alcris cheered as he giddily walked towards his toy chest, hauling a box of Jenga.

"You know how to play Jenga?"

"Yes, Aythea pways with me." Alcris smiled widely and his eyes disappear when he does. I wonder is Althea smiles like this too, if she ever smiled before. I'm sure she'll look more attractive. Oh goodness what am I thinking, that's not what I meant.

"Even if it's for kids 6 and up?" I smiled

"Aythea said it's just numbers. Doesn't matter, long as she's around, or mama or dada." Alcris said as he emptied the box in front of us. And he do know how to put the blocks together expertly, even with his small hands.

"Here have some cookies you two." Megan emerged from the kitchen with a tray of cookies and milk, but instead of forgetting about the Jenga for the cookies, he remained serious in front of the blocks.

"He's always like that when he wants to play Jenga with anybody." Megan said as she sat by the couch with me.

"Tell me Jade, did you choose to be Althea's partner on this project?" Megan asked

"Well honestly Mr. Alves tasked Althea on me since I'm a transferee, but I sure would like to be friends with her too." I explained

"That's good to hear, Althea's a good person, although she doesn't want others to see that side of her anymore."

"Why not?" I asked suddenly curious about what Megan have to say, since most of the time I saw them talking Althea's cursing on her.

"What are you doing here?" The familiar placid tone suddenly beamed from behind us.

"Aythea!" Alcris reacted first, running towards Althea.

"Jade's waiting for you, for your project." Megan explained, Althea just looked at her and turned to me.

"What about it?" She asked

"I - - uhh - -"

"Alcris come here honey, Althea and Jade needs to talk about their project now."

JaThea/RaStro One Shots (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now