Insomniac's Midnight Madness (1)

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When I was six my mother told me that whenever I feel like I am not feeling sleepy when midnight comes, I should start counting sheep, until I reach one hundred. She said somewhere in the middle of counting I'd feel sleepy and will eventually fall asleep.

So one time I waited for midnight just to prove if my mother's right, I secretly drank a portion of my father's brewed coffee on my milk cup. So maybe you can already guess what happened, if not here's what happened, when my night stand rocket shaped alarm clock turned 12:00 I stared at the glow in the dark stars and planets on my taped room's ceiling and started counting.

I counted. And as I count my really vivid imagination, started imagining the sheep grazing in the the grasses of New Zealand, I even thought of a story, that they're happily jumping over the fence to the other greener side. Every one of them gleefully jumped over the fence, I counted and by the time I reached one hundred I blinked back to reality and when I looked at my clock it was already two in the morning.

My body started to shake, as my heart pounded so hard against my chest, I got scared, I thought I lost count that's why my heart's pumping more amount of blood my small six year old body needed.

I ran to my parents room and knocked hard, and my father swung the door open, towered over me and asked what the hell I was thinking.

"I think I lost count. My heart is beating so fast I'm suffocating." I cried

My mother immediately found her place beside me on the couch while my father made me milk. That's when I learned about the word palpitations and caffeine or maybe I was just overthinking. He didn't notice that his 1.5 liters of brewed coffee was .5 liter less, and I was thankful.

My father was the one to put me back to bed, while my mom nursed Nadine my younger sister. He told me scary stories to force me to sleep, he said the monster under my bed would creep up to me and take my eyes because I won't shut it. He said if I don't sleep by nine in the evening I'll never grow as tall as he is. He even told me that if I don't sleep at all I'll go crazy and they'll lock me up in some mental ward.

But I never believed him. Not one of those story he made up. I waited for the monster under my bed to gnaw on my eyes until four in the morning. But no monster came. I even imagined fighting the monster if it ever creep up on my bed, I have a swiss knife under my pillow, I was prepared. But it never came. There was no monster under my bed.

Unlike what my father warned me, I grew to be a normal teenager with a normal adolescent height. By the time I was thirteen, I have the worst body clock there is. My school finishes at four and I'd be home by four-thirty since I can walk from our house to my school.

I'd change into something comfortable, play one of my father's records and lie on the sofa until I fall asleep. Because it was when I feel really sleepy. I'd usually wake up by the time my mom and dad would come in from work, which is around seven or eight, mom would ask me to get Nadine from grandma who lives on block away from us then we'd eat dinner and watch TV and by ten they'll go upstairs to sleep, while I always offered to secure the doors and windows just so I could watch more TV.

I've lived like that until it was time for me to go to college and move into a dormitory, I was ecstatic because there'll be no one telling me when to sleep or to wake up anymore. I'll just be all by myself and it thrilled me.

I've lived like an owl until I came across the word Insomnia. According to google, Insomnia is the inability to sleep. Sleeplessness. Wakefulness. Restlessness. It is also classified into two, Chronic and Acute. Chronic meaning it can last a long time, and acute meaning it can be short-term.

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