Day 8

19 2 0

Part 1:
If you're in high school have you've ever noticed that your best friends in middle school are no longer your best friends and then those who were acquaintances are trying to be fake friends? In P.E. there is this girl that I was friends with and we stopped talking a long time ago. Now that we're in high school, she's trying to rebuild our friendship and it's kind of awkward.

Part 2:
I'm proud of myself today. I know this might be weird to some of you but I made a new friend. I'm not really sociable person. I'm an introvert. So this is kind of an accomplishment for me especially in high school.

Part 3:
I hate working in groups. I prefer working by myself. In biomed I had to present my project with my group. Just to shorten this part, I don't like my group and they don't know how to focus. If I fail, I'll have a major problem.

Part 4:
I had no homework in all if my classes but the minute I go to my last class of the day, my teacher gives me homework. And of course it's math. There's always that one teacher.

It's TEA TIME! ☕☕☕
I don't really have that much so sorry.

Part 5:
So I think this boy was trying to hit on me. I was walking to lunch and I heard this boy said hey little cutie. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or someone behind me. I didn't even look back. He kept on trying to call me or someone else over. Like I said I kept on walking. SOME boys are so rude and can be pigs.

Hey Guys! I'm really sorry for not having anything. Remember it's still the beginning of the school year. I'll try to have something for you guys next week.

*Live and Love Life*

The Drama Chain: FRESHMEATTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang