Day 17

17 4 2

Part 1:
I'm really starting to connect to these juniors in my class. They are so cool and we can relate to so many things. I'm really proud of myself because I'm an introvert person so making new friends is kind of hard for me. So this is an accomplishment for me.

Part 2:
I hate waking up at 5:00 in the morning because I fell asleep in biology and government class. My government teacher was talking to my friends next to me and saying "Did I bore her death?" He also said "Yes, I finally killed one of my students by teaching government!" I was like bruh. One of my friends just told him I was really tired. And I was! But believe me though, his teaching is boring.

Part 3:
My English class smells weird all the time. It smells like cake but in a weird way. It makes me wanna throw up almost.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!!!!☕☕☕☕

Part 4:
So this is tea from my new source and just a heads up, this is crazy. So there is this girl on my source's soccer team and she's a freshmen dating a junior. Keep in mind that her boyfriend is black and she's white. Now her parents don't like her boyfriend because he's a junior (which I get it) and he's black (which I DON'T get). I was kind of offended by that. I get that you don't like him because you don't want your freshmen daughter dating a junior but because he's black? Talk about being racists. Then get this, she was acting weird one time and it's because she was trying to act black. I'm like first off you can't act black. You can't act like another race or color. It just doesn't work. Second, if I was her boyfriend I would have to be like "yeah, we're done here." I was messed up when I first heard this.

Part 5:
I went to that bathroom and while I was in there, there were these girls and one of them was crying. They mentioned a boy's name and I'm assuming that her boyfriend broke up with him.

Part 6:
This girl almost got into a fight with this senior. It was all quiet in the cafeteria and then she started going off.

Hey guys! Once again sorry for the late uodate. Sadly there is no moment to get real. I might have something to rant about tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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