Day 11

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Okay I got some pretty good stuff so enjoy!
Part 1:
Surprisingly, I did pretty good in Spanish today. Also get this, the juniors at my table are asking me for help. That might not be a big deal but to me that's pretty cool.

Part 2:
Now I am one of those people who can't stand bugs. In biology class, we had to do our own experiments on meal worms. Now I was trying to see something so I tried to prepare myself for this weird feeling of a bug on my hands. When I picked it up it felt so weird and disgusting. I was so disgusted I wanted to throw up. It felt so nasty and weird. Ew😷.

Part 3:
In English class we watched three movie trailers: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Breakfast Club, and The Fault in Our Stars. After seeing them, I actually wanna watch them. Yes, I haven't seen any of them. I wanted to see The Fault in Our Stars I just never got the chance to.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕☕☕

Part 4:
Turns out there was a fight yesterday over a seat on a bus. A seat. It's seat. I'm telling you now a days fights be happening over stupid stuff. It was between two girls too.

Part 5:
Looks like there is a Jenny 2.0. Yay. This girl is a freshmen and is dating a junior that doesn't even like her. Like girl get your life. The only reason he likes you is because you are too stupid to realize that he's probably going out with you just to get what's in between your legs. Once he gets it, he'll act like he never knew you. That's how SOME boys act. I said some not all. SOME! Then get this, she has the nerve to call other girls hoes and witches (I'm substituting the actual word). Like if amyone is a hoe and a witch is you. Also my friend was like she's a whore.

Part 6:
What I'm about to tell you is a true story. You can actually look it up. My English teacher had a murderer as a roommate in college. That's right. Her roommate killed her parents. Like what! The police found her mom's body on the driveway and her dad's body in another house. Talk about creepy. Message me for the roommate's name or just look up the story.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More tomorrow!

*Live and Love Life*

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