Day 31

24 3 13

Part 1 (This part may have a few prophanity used in it. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!):
My Spanish teacher is a straight B*TCH!!!! It's not even funny. She is all over the place man. Like she be asking for answers and I be yelling them out since no one else does and she be like what you say. But when someone else says it she be like good job. Can you not f*cking hear me! I YELLED it for God sake. She's so irritating man. Then on top of that, the bell rang, for class to end, in the middle of her teaching. We all got up to leave and she was like no one is leaving. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do. It you leave, I'm writing you up. 4 people left and the rest of us stayed. I have a clean record and it's not about to be ruined by some b*tch. She kept on teaching us this dumb sh*t and told us out homework. Some people have places to be you know. Hurry the hell up! She finally let us go a minute later. I had to go to the library for activity period and the library gets packed fast that they have to tell people that they are full. She's lucky that I got there before they were full.

Part 2:
Okay this one girl in my bio class is annoying. I know she has some mental disorder or something, and I'm really not trying to be mean, but she can be a real pain sometimes. So my group forgot to do some work on this packet for homework, which was optional. She did it, so we all just copied off of her and she was like paraphrase it. No duh. So that's what I did. One answer though, I had to read multiples time because of her hand writing and I was trying to understand it. She noticed me and was like you don't know how to paraphrase do you? I wanted to say "Sweetie, I know how to paraphrase thank you very much. If your trying to call me an idiot or something we can square up," but I didn't. So instead I said "I do." She tried it though.

Part 3:
My L/S/N class was crazy today. We had a sub and you know what that means. Everyone was on their phone and not doing any work. I did my work and I had almost an hour to do whatever. So I went on my phone and listened to music the whole time. Also the sub was so annoying. I asked if we could go out in the hallway to work and she was like no because your teacher didn't say anything about working in the hallway ans I don't want to get in trouble. The classic 'don't want to get in trouble' excuse. If a teacher walks by we'll just say we're allowed to work out here. Simple.

Part 4:
We had so many drills in English class it wasn't even funny. We had a shelter in place, intruder, and severe weather drill. It was a lot. We barely had class today.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
This boy in my L/S/N class was sagging his pants so bad. And when I mean sagging his pants, I mean you saw his underwear; front and back. Basically his pants were below his knees. It was so terrible. And funny😂😂.

Hey guys. Sorry I don't have that much for you but, that's what I got. Hope you enjoyed it.

*Live and Love Life*

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