Day 88

15 4 7

Part 1:
Engineering was simple today. We just worked on our train.

Part 2:
We had a sub in health so things were okay.

Part 3:
Biomed was cool. We did a lab that wasn't disgusting. But next class, we're going to looking at food that was "digested". I hate how I have health and biomed before lunch.

Part 4:
In geometry we just got started with unit 2. Basically we spent half of the school year on unit 1. Then our post test is in February and hopefully that's the only test we have to take in geometry.

Question of the Day:

What's your style on Mondays?

I like to bum a lot so today is Bumday.

Since my school is dry, I thought I would share what's going on with other schools.

This is Drama High Updates:

So at Eastlake this is the update:
* There were 5 fights in 2 days.
* Someone got hit by a bus.
* Some people were having sex somewhere and people actually recorded them.

At South Point:
* My friend Norris (who remembers her from IGR?!) heard people having sex under the bleachers at a basketball game.

That's all for Drama High! Check in tomorrow with the latest updates.

I also have something new as well. I will be asking questions based off of my books and the first two people to comment the answer and get it right get's a shout out tomorrow on here! Here's the question

Book: Lights

Question: Who is Callie's boyfriend?


Hey guys! Hopefully you enjoyed the two new parts in my story and it makes it much more interesting.

*Live and Love Life*


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