Day 151

6 1 0

Part 1:
Engineering was okay. I finally got all of my work done.

Part 2:
Health was okay. We just did a study guide but, my group and I just talked majority of the time.

Part 3:
Biomed felt long today. We reviewed what our lab was going to be for next class.

Part 4:
Geometry was chill. We did stations and a review. I also got to work with someone too.

You know what time it is. It's...........
TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
Three girls almost got into a fight at lunch today.

Part 6:
Two boys almost got into a fight after lunch. I guess you can say it was a fighting day.

Hey guys! So I'm starting to work on Lights.

*Live and Love Life*


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