Day 22

17 3 0

Part 1:
I had to do pull ups today in gym. I only did one because I'm weak but, I still got credit for effort.

Part 2:
This is why I like to work by myself. In my biomed class, there is this girl who barely pays attention and be asking me and everyone else in the group, but mostly me, can I see your notes or what are we doing. Today I almost went off on her that's how irritated I was.

Part 3:
I got my first project in my math class. It's on different constructions of things. If your in geometry, you'll understand.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 4:
So Lee found a new h*e to hangout with. And she almost looks like Elizabeth a little bit. I known her since sixth grade. Let me just say, she's in for a weird relationship. Like I said, he's not taking this break up to well. He posted something on snap that was so innapropriate, I think we're all scarred for life for those of us who saw it.

Part 5:
Turns out there was a fight a few days ago. A teacher tried to break it up, but she got hit while doing it.

Sorry guys I have nothing to rant about today. Maybe tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

*Live and Love Life*

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