Day 150

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Part 1:
Spanish was okay today. We had to present our presentations about our prom outfits. I did terrible. I stuttered over every word, my voice cracked, and my mine went blank several times since we had to present in Spanish. Luckily for me though, I still ended up with an A and no comments unlike anyone else.

Part 2:
We had a sub in biology. She was chill and I got done with all of my work early.

Part 3:
We had a sub in LSN and she was mean and a liar. She said that someone caller her a B and she left the class. No one did at all so we got a new sub who was way better.

Part 4:
English was okay. We finally finshed Romeo and Juliet. We watched the movie version of Romeo and Juliet (with Leonardo DiCaprio in it) and the ending was depressing, even though I knew what was going to happen.

Hey guys! So I'm going to try to at least start on the Lights update this weekend if I have time. I'm supposed to be doing a lot this weekend but like I said, I'll try.

*Live and Love Life*


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