Day 65

17 3 6

Part 1:
Spanish was boring as ever, so we're just going to skip over that.

Part 2:
In biology today, we got to look at onion cells and someone's cheek cells. The onion cells were pretty cool and the cheek cells were nasty. I mean, who wants to see the inside of someone's mouth? Not me.

Part 3:
LSN was actually interesting today, considering the fact that we didn't do much. We watched two CNN 10 videos and did a worksheet.

Part 4:
Once again, English was another history lesson. We watched videos on different segregation or racist events that happened in Alabama. Some of them I've never heard of. They were really interesting topics that made me think about a lot of stuff happened during that time especially in Alabama.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
Does anyone have that one class when you have nobody or you don't like anyone in that class at all? But then, you have that one person that you're chill with but don't ever enjoy talking to them? Then, they think that you and them are cool so let's be buddies and you're like no? Well I do. In Spanish today we had to do a dialogue thing again (like I said in part 1, boring). Anyway, so there is this junior and she lives in my neighborhood. Now, we talk but I wouldn't say that we're friends if you know what I mean. So since we had to do the dialogue, we had to be in groups of 3. So if course she starts calling me from the other side of the room and I hear her, but I ignored her to give her a hint like leave me alone and don't pick me to be in your group.  But of course, she didn't get the memo. Once I decided to answer her, she was like 'do you want to work together?' and I said we have to have one more person. Now this part made me mad. She was like "Oh what you trying to say? You don't want to work with me? You trying to work with someone else?" I was about to be like B*tch, I can work with whoever the f*ck I want to work with. But since the class was partially quiet, I said it in a clean way. Now this was the only time I accepted the fact that my teacher assigned us groups because if she didn't, I was going to go off. Last time I worked with her was a headache, so why would I want to do it again?

Hey guys! Sorry there was no TEA TIME but, at least I got you a Moment to Get Real. Also don't forget to cast in your votes for keeping Lights or not. For more info, read, Day 64. Voting ends on Friday! Please cast in your votes because I need help in this decision.

*Live and Love Life*

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