Day 77

9 3 2

Part 1:
Spanish was pretty decent. We didn't even do that much.

Part 2:
Biology was okay. Still don't like working with some sophomores.

Part 3:
LSN is getting easier now. I'm actually enjoying it. Plus I had a 75.9 in that class (which is a C and in my house C's are unacceptable) but my teacher fixed this one grade so now I have an 80 (a B which are sort of acceptable)! I mean it's not a high B but it's a B.

Part 4:
My English teacher was the MVP today. She was serving hot chocolate during class. It wasn't that good but hey it's hot chocolate. Where I live, it's freezing.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
I overheard this one girl saying that this girl sucked a boy's **** and how she's a hoe and stuff.

Part 6:
The same girl that I overheard said this one girl wanted to fight her over something and I guess they're not on good terms right now.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 7:
Have you ever worked in a group before and you have that one cool but annoying person? Well in LSN there is a girl who is just like that. So we're talking about Urban Sprawl right now and we have to make these towns and add different buildings to it. This one girl that I'm working with she keeps on trying to put buildings in crazy places and then one of the rules was to draw a line through your town. So that's what I did. Keep in mind that the paper is big like those giant notepads teachers be having. Anyway, so once I drew the line, she starts complaining how it's not straight while the teacher is talking. We told her to be quiet and leave it alone since the teacher stopped talking several times. She's cool but like I said she's annoying at the same time.

Hey guys! Sorry there wasn't an update yesterday. If you read MOMENTS, you saw how I had no school due to the weather. This cold and weather are so annoying.

*Live and Love Life*


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