Day 72

9 3 0

Part 1:
In engineering, we just watched a movie and ate.

Part 2:
For gym, we went to the library and worked on a study guide for this post test in January. It is so stupid.

Part 3:
We had a sub in biomed so we didn't do anything.

Part 4:
Geometry was annoying. We played kahoot, took a quiz that we didn't even know about, and did a packet. It is seven pages and we didn't even learn half of it. Plus we have to do it over break. Luckily for me, it's graded on completeness and I finished it. I hate it when teachers give us work over break.

Hey guys! Sorry for updating late, no tea time, and no Moment to Get Real. I know I suck today. Sorry guys! Tomorrow is the last day before I go on break. Hopefully something happens tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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