Day 9

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Part 1:
So this morning really set my attitude for the whole day. First of all my alarm class didn't go off. I set it to 5:00 but my mom came in and woke me up at 5:45! And my bus comes at 6:05. Mind you I have to ride my bike to the bus stop which is at the coldisac WHICH is at the far sidr of my neighborhood. I was so upset. I had to hurry up and brush my teeth, get dressed, and eat breakfast. I just bummed it and ate a biscuit. Then I had to hurry up and ride up a hill just to get to my stop. I was so freaking tired even though I woke up 45 minutes.

Part 2:
Spanish class was so boring and dry. My teacher had us learning things in the kitchen and she said except a quiz on Wednesday. So looks like I gotta study.

Part 3:
Biology was boring too. Basically we had to do lab work and it was dry. I hate writing the whole claim, evidence, and response thing.

Part 4:
I hate A days. Lunch is so boring. I sit with people who I know but I don't talk to. Let's just say, it's an awkward lunch.

Part 5:
Social Studies was a pretty chill class. I had to take the stupid county pretest today and after that, my teacher made us do this constitution scavenger hunt thing. I got most of it done and surprisingly: I didn't have any homework! And he always gives us homework.

Part 6:
I had to write 2 ESSAYS TODAY IN ENGLISH! 2 FREAKING ESSAYS!!!!!! And you know what I had to write about? THE SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT!!! It's called SUMMER reading for a reason. Then on top of that, our homework is based off of it too. Luckily it's the last one so yay.

You know what time it is? TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕☕☕

Part 6:
Finally, the first fight of the school year. These two boys were fighting at lunch. The police officer had to escort one of them out of the cafeteria.

That's all I have for you guys today. Hopefully more tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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