Day 42

15 2 4

Part 1:
Engineering design is so freaking stressful right now. We have to make these key chains for ourselves or for Christmas. Plus when we print them out on the 3D printer, it takes one day just to print out 3 key chains and my teacher has over 40 kids that are doing it.

Part 2:
I had to run the track in gym! I'm telling you it was terrible. I already gotta run this weekend because of lacrosse, I don't want to run because of earning points. I felt nasty afterwards.

Part 3:
Today in biomed we extracted DNA from strawberries and someone in our group had to extract DNA from their saliva. I didn't do it because I don't want to work with someone else's spit. I already don't like working with my own spit so yeah.

Part 4:
We had an assembly today on bullying and domestic violence. It was very interesting. One thing that really shocked me was how one of the speakers there lost her daughter three weeks after her 15th birthday from suicide because of bullying. I was about to cry. She had a book of her daughter and she said that's how her daughter goes everywhere with her. The assembly was good though.

Hey guys! Sorry that I have no TEA TIME or Moments to Get Real. Today was slow. Have a good weekend! More on Monday! Also I have a new story coming out so stay tuned.

*Live and Love Life*


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