Day 70

10 3 0

Part 1:
Engineering was simple today. We are still working on our trains and it is still easy. Also these two girls were arguing over if a fruit and vegetable are the same. Which they're not.

Part 2:
Freshmen Academy was boring as usual so yeah.

Part 3:
Biomed was chill today. We just did a lab and make graphs. Also these kids got in trouble for copying other people's work. They had to redo the whole graph.

Part 4:
In geometry, we just took notes, did a worksheet and played bingo. Fun right? I also got double bingo so hopefully that counts for extra credit.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
There was a fight yesterday and let me just say, it was crazy. The video was ridiculous. The boy that got beat up, has a heart tumor so the guy that beat him might go to jail.

Part 6:
There was also another fight yesterday but, it was broken up after one punch.

Part 7:
This senior thought she was pregnant because she missed her cycle and she's had sex a lot. This is why you keep your legs closed.

Part 8:
There was possibly a fight today. One girl came out of the gym bleeding and her friend was covering up her face.

That was a lot of tea! I am so proud of myself! Sorry there was no Moment to Get Real but hey, that tea was good though. Hopefully more tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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