Part 51

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Part 1:
Today I enjoyed Spanish for 2 reasons:
1. My teacher gave my class donuts for having the highest scores on our tests out of all her classes. They were Krispy Kreme donuts too. And 2. U helped my team win in this game. It was boys vs. girls. Go me!

Part 2:
I don't have to worry about no more quizzes for a while. I had several quizzes these past few days. I even had one in bio. I think I did pretty good on it.

Part 3:
Once again, LSN was boring. I think our teacher is trying to make it better by making jokes and it kind of worked but still though, I fell asleep.

Part 4:
So instead of a quiz, I have to write an argumentative essay. We get to type it too so it should be very interesting.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
A fight almost broke out in my LSN class. These girls were arguing and calling each other a B.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 6:
(This is in my rant book called MOMENTS) Okay so my school is having a holiday card making contest and get this. So everyone may not be religious or in this case, a Christian but they said the card CAN NOT say Merry Christmas. I was like what! My thing is, you should have the choice to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Now please don't say Merry X-mas because that is very irritating and kind of offensive to us Christians. So when it's December, I will be going around saying Merry CHRISTmas! Keep Jesus in the holiday because after all, this is his holiday. Like I said I get that everyone isn't a Christian but don't take the Christ out of Christmas for you wouldn't even have this holiday if it wasn't for him.

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoyed this part and if you have negative comments on the last part, please don't say anything. Everyone has their own beliefs and that's my belief. So whether you agree or disagree with me, it doesn't matter. That's just my opinion. Anyway, have a great weekend guys! Btw, next week will be short because of Thanksgiving break. Just a heads up.

*Live and Love Life*

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