Day 85

21 4 9

Part 1:
Spanish class was pretty decent today. We didn't do much, surprising. But yeah, it was good.

Part 2:
Biology was weird today. I just found out that yeast is a living thing. I did not know that to be honest. We had to mix it with water and crushed cereal for a lab. As we were mixing the stuff up, the yeast just kept on jumping around. I was so disgusted.

Part 3:
So I failed my LSN test: 26/40. I know right, I'm so smart. Not. But I did good on my BCR: 10/10. I'm definitely going to study more and ask for help.

Part 4:
English was easy. We just took a test and that's it.

Thanks to 5-seconds-of-Sarah, she has given me an idea of coming up with something to replace TEA TIME IF there is no tea.

So here is the new thing:

Question of the Day:
Who is your favorite character on Stranger Things?

If you don't watch Stranger Things, then what is your favorite show?

Hey guys! Hope you like the new part of this story. If you have a question that I should ask, PM me and I'll put it up here and give you a shout out!

*Live and Love Life*


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