Day 69

14 3 6

Part 1:
Okay, Spanish is becoming more and more annoying. I can't take it anymore. The whole class we were reviewing numbers. I'm telling you, Spanish keeps on getting worse.

Part 2:
We had a sub in biology so we just did bookwork the whole time.

Part 3:
I must say, LSN was such an easy class today. We watched two videos on the news, took notes, and that was it. I'm slowly starting to like that class.

Part 4:
In English, all we did was do our warm ups and finished up To Kill A Mockingbird video.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
I'm pretty sure that for those of you that attend my school know who I'm talking about. So there is this one kid in several of my classes that has a problem. He does not know when or how to shut up. He talks about nonsense, always commenting something, and is just annoying. He's smart but, he's so annoying. Most people don't even like him because he's annoying. I think he would be better if he just shuts up!

Hey guys! Sorry for no tea time today. I'm gonna try to get more sources that way there could be more tea. Quick question: Did any of you read a good werewolf book? Because I'm really in the mood to read one right now since I'm in a werewolf book drought. Please comment if you read one! Also an update on Lights should be coming out either today or tomorrow so stay tuned.

*Live and Love Life*

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