Day 59

18 2 7

Part 1:
We had to do a unit 1 exam in spanish today. I think I did pretty good but I might of gotten a few things wrong.

Part 2:
I had to go to another class today for biology since there was a presentation on driving for 10-12 graders. Since majority of my class are 10th graders, us 9th graders had to go to another classroom.

Part 3:
LSN was pretty chill today. We just took notes on our new unit.

Part 4:
We had to finish our essays in English. Luckily we typed them up because I hate writing essays. I finished it right on time too. The bell was about to ring for dismissal and I finished it right then and there. Go me!

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
I am really trying not to say it to this guy's face because if I do, I will say some things that might hurt his feelings or say something that I might regret. Anyway, this guy won't take a hint at all. Some of you might of read who I'm talking about in my book MOMENTS. But for those of you that didn't let me catch you up. This guy is nice and chill but he is annoying and ever since high school started, he's never left me alone. The last time we saw each other was back in middle school and even then he was nice. He's chill but my God, he can be a pain in the butt. I've tried giving him many hints but he just doesnt know how to take hints so let me help you and him out:

*This guy is in 2 of my classes on B days.

*He has wattpad.

*Has no A day classes with me.

*He texts me most of the time and I'm going to be 100% honest right now. Half the stuff he texts me about are, things that I don't care about.

*He's chill but never seems to leave me alone.

*He updates me on every event that goes on in school and I have had it!

Like I said, you're nice, you're cool, but leave me alone once in a while will you. I mean stop being on my back all the time and telling me things because half of the time, I don't care. I hope these hints let you know who I'm talking about and if you know that I'm talking about you, you better start doing the things that I have mentioned 3 TIMES so far. And if you forgot, here's a quick reminder:




Hey guys! Sorry for the rant but there are some people that just get on my God forsaking nerves. Anyway, I'm sorry there was no tea today. It's Monday and you know, no one cares for Monday's. Hope something happens tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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