Part 37

19 4 14

Part 1:
I hate Spanish 2! My teacher is irritating and I'm literally about to lose my mind. We had to read this paragraph in Spanish and it was so confusing. Now I have homework because of her.

Part 2:
Tell me why this tenth grader acts like he doesn't know anything. We had to do this partner work in biology and I had to work with this girl that I knew and this sophomore. The girl and I got majority of out work done because 1. The sophomore wasn't here last class and 2. He had to do his test that he missed. Once he was done with everything, he came over and worked with us. He was a drag. He was just sitting there doing nothing while we were helping him. I'm like, how you in honors biology and you can't figure something like this out? Stupid yo. This is why I hate group work.

Part 3:
I can't wait to get this We The People project over with. It's cool but my group is so unfocused. Two out the five of us don't know how to pay attention. At this rate, I just care about getting the grade.

Part 4:
English was boring today, so we're going to skip that.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!!!!☕☕☕☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
I've been hanging out with these group of girls for a while because we play this awesome game at lunch. So there is this other girl that sits with us and she doesn't talk or get involved in what we're doing. Keep in mind, she doesn't like 2 girls that are in the group. So every time she got up to get something the group would talk about how to tell her they don't want her to sit with them anymore. So apparently, the girl found out and confronted them saying if you got something to say, say it to my face and stuff. It was so funny. They were going back and forth, back and forth. It was crazy. I can't wait for Tuesday.

Part 6:
Okay, this part is a little weird. More like innapropriate. But here you go. So in LSN, this boy was watching....

Porn. I was like what the $@!#%!!!! He was just sitting there like nothing was wrong. Mind you we had a sub too. Everyone was like what the hell! Plus for some reason this guy has a picture of a penis on his phone. I was like, I'm bleaching my eyes when I get home.

Part 7:
Moving on from that. Ahem. There is this girl in the same class, LSN, that doesn't bathes. She smells like fish and pee. It's so nasty. I don't know how anyone hangs out around her. Like it's terrible. She's basically pig pen from Charlie Brown.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 8:
I hate working in groups. I HATE WORKING IN GROUPS!!! I prefer to work by myself because when I work in a group, it just slows me down and I work fast. Plus sometimes, I'm the person that does ALL the work in my group. It's irritating. Now if I'm working with people that do work, I'm fine. But otherwise I hate it.

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoyed this week of The Drama Chain. Have a good weekend.

*Live and Love Life*

The Drama Chain: FRESHMEATजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें