Day 6

17 1 0

First off I would like to thank strxnded_ for making that lovely cover for me! Go follow her if you want a cover made! On with the story!

Part 1:
So in Engineering Deisgn class we have to do a research project on the history of something and I'm doing music. I love music so this should be fun.

Part 2:
Someone please tell me why we have to take so many tests in school? We had to take a freaking pre-test for P.E. Like why do we have to take so many tests? We already know how to take a test so what's the purpose of the pre-tests?

Part 3:
Don't you hate it when your teacher puts you in a group and you have that one person that doesn't do their part for the assignment? Yeah, that's what happened to me in biomed. So over the weekend we had to finish our research project on different systems in the body and this boy didn't do it. Mind you on Thursday we have to do a small presentation on the system. I pray to God he better to do it.

Part 4:
So in Gemoetry, we were reviewing what we learned back in Algebra 1. I was struggling a little because 1. I hate math, 2. I'm not good at it and 3. I forgot everything from last year.

I am so sorry to say that there is no tea time😭. I'm really sorry guys. I promise I'll try to get some tea tomorrow.

Also if you have any ideas of what I should add in my story, feel free to comment or message me about your ideas.

*Live and Love Life*

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