Day 99

7 4 1

Part 1:
Spanish was dumb.

Part 2:
Biology was simple. We're just learning about DNA.

Part 3:
LSN was overwhelming. We have several projects that we need to work on. Someone help me!

Part 4:
In English, we worked on our project. I'm sick and tired of all these projects.

You know what time it is.

It's TEA TIME!!!!!

Part 5:
There was a fight yesterday between two girls. They were a couple but now, they're not.

Part 6:
This girl got pregnant and left the school a few months ago.

Question of the Day:

Who likes Valentine's Day?

Not me. My reason: why do we need to have a day to tell each other how we feel?

One more thing. I saw this thing on Snap and it said " alentine's at if you're not getting the v or d on Valentine's Day, just say this."

Hey guys! I finally got some tea. And that's not even the whole pot. Some more tea might be mentioned tomorrow since it's Valentine's Day.

*Live and Love Life*


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