Day 79

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Part 1:
Spanish was pissing me off today. So my teacher told us to study our verbs since we have a quiz. Keep in mind that we're all thinking she means to study the verbs that we just learned. Fast forward to today, we took the quiz but it had a verbs that we learned last week and and verbs that we haven't learned yet. All of us were confused and wondering why she wasn't specific with which verbs to study. So now all of us probably have F's and it's not our fault.

Part 2:
Biology was chill. We just did a lab and that was it.

Part 3:
In LSN we just took notes and answer a question.

Part 4:
We are finishing up with this trial that is going on in To Kill A Mockingbird and it is really good so far.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!!!

Part 5:
For all my IGR (It Gets Real) fans we are going waaaayyyyy back! So hopefully y'all remember Henry and LG. If you do great, if not don't worry about it. Anyway, I just found out that they were dating for a week! I was blown when I heard that because they were friends and only Henry liked LG. Now that happened?! Wow.

Hey guys! Sorry for no MTGR. Today was a half day so yeah. Hopefully more on TUESDAY since there is no school on Monday. I'll also try to update Lights as well.

*Live and Love Life*

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