Day 50: I'M ALIVE

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Part 1:
First things first, I'M ALIVE! I told you, that threat wasn't going to happen. Most of my class wasn't even here in engineering. Actually all of my classes were like that. There was barely anyone there.

Part 2:
I got to watch everyone suffer in gym today do to my injury. Everyone basically had to do push ups, planks, sit ups, and other stuff. I got to study and watch them suffer. Fun, right.

Part 3:
I had to take a quiz in biomed today and let me just say, I did decent. Honestly this quarter, I don't really have a good start but I will get better though. I'm still adjusting to high school.

Part 4:
Y'all already know I hate group work so I had to work with the annoying kid. Y'all should know how that turned out. Me not trying to slap the living day lights out of him.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!!☕☕☕ (It feels good to say that)

Part 5:
The dude that made the bomb threat was arrested and said that he was joking. Sike boy! Go rot in jail!

Part 6:
A not was literally sitting next to a trash can at one of the lunches because he didn't want to get blown up and also be around people when it happened. Everyone knew it wasn't going to happen anyway.

Part 7:
It's OFFICIAL! Moss has a boyfriend and it's not Travis. I'm a proud therapist.

Let's take a Moment to Get Real

Part 8:
Tell me why MalMal_21 can't take a freaking joke?! I said I was going to expose him and I was kidding. He starts saying that he thought I was being dead serious. No I wasn't! Get your life!

Hey guys! Hope your day was less crazier than mine. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.

*Live and Love Life*

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