Day 10

16 1 5

*Read part 3 to understand the picture*

Part 1:
I am almost done with this freaking project in Engineering class. I like it because I'm studying music, which I love, but I don't like it because it's a project.

Part 2:
In gym today we had to run around our track 4 TIMES! We walked around the curves and ran the straights but still though, I was not planning on running today.

Part 3:
In biomed we're starting to get to this crime scene investigation. I'm kind of excited because I like mysteries. My teacher literally has a set up it too. Turns out this investigation is real. It's based off of this Anna Garcia case. Up top is the picture. I couldn't get a better pic because of the phone rule. Yes I'm a goodie-two-shoes. Don't judge.

Part 4:
Geometry was pretty boring because we just focused on these vocabulary words. I'm still trying to memorize them. This is why I hate math.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME☕☕☕☕☕
*Some it is not really tea, but it's something interesting*

Part 5:
So I'm slowly starting to become friends with Ashley. She's actually not that bad. She's pretty cool.

Part 6:
Speaking of Ashley, her and Moss have been bothering me about this boy in my geometry class that I sort of like. Ashley is in my geometry class so she took a picture of him and sent it to Moss! My life is just great right now.

Part 7:
So here is something very interesting. Apparently some students have been having sex on the sly. It's been going around on Twitter. This is bad because some girls might end up being pregnant. Which could lead to more tea😏. Let me stop! It's still not good though. No one wants to be a mother in high school. I'm just saying.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. I know it was a little dry but, I'll try to get something else tomorrow. Feel free to ask me any questions about my story or tell me some suggestions about what I should add to make it more interesting.

*Live and Love Life*

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