Day 33

9 2 2

Part 1:
Life is freaking irritating sometimes. So today, my Spanish class was boring as sh*t. All we did was work on these freaking verbs and now, I have a quiz on Wednesday. Yay.

Part 2:
Biology was okay. We finally got done with this packet that is annoying as hell man. Like, I can't even anymore. We've been working on that project for almost half a month now. Now that it's done, we have a quiz in that class too. Yay.

Part 3:
Okay, so LSN is slowly starting to grow on me. My teacher said we are in good shape with our project and thinks that we will do a great job. It's amazing how I thought that my group sucks and it's stupid and yet, we're doing good with our project.

Part 4:
English was boring as well. I'm not going to waste my time writing about it or waste y'all time reading it.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
I'm glad that homecoming is over. I know, I seem kind of weird for saying that but based on the videos on Snapchat, it was crazy. There were girls twerking on boys, girls wearing dresses that were showing everything, the boys acting a fool and stuff. This is why I didn't go. That and I also had a lacrosse tournament that day in PA so no. Anyway, some people were talking about it and I was just like whatever.

Hey guys! Sorry I have no tea. Today was dry and boring. Hope you ejoyed this part.

*Live and Love Life*

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