Day 173

4 2 1

Part 1:
We took the engineering test today ans guess who failed? Me!

Part 2:
We didn't do anything in health. I just drew tattoos on people.

Part 3:
I finished my Biomed exam and I got a 5 on it which is good. That's exactly what I wanted.

Part 4:
We did most of our summer packet and had free time.

Hey guys! I have several things to announce so bare with me. First off, I know things might be boring and that's because school is almost out and majority of my classes aren't doing anything so yeah.

I know I might seem desperate but could you guys please go read my other books: Lights, Luna Dark, and Luna of the All and comment some feed back. I feel like my updates are not that good anymore and I would like to hear what you think about them.

Moving on from that, next week will be the last week of updates for this story. Yes, the school year is coming to an end for me. Don't worry, I will update the stories I mentioned up there. So if you haven't read them yet, you'll have a few days to catch up on the updates.

A Lights update will be coming out soon along with a possible Luna of them All update today. Also I entered this story, Lights, Luna Dark and soon, Luna of them All into the watty's! This is my first year so hopefully I win something.

I had a lot of stuff to say today. Weird.

*Live and Love Life*


The Drama Chain: FRESHMEATحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن