Day 29

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Part 1:
My Spanish class is so freaking annoying. More like my teacher exactly. She was being so confused and irritating today that most kids were pissed off. I was one of them. I freaking hate that class.

Part 2:
Freshmen Academy was so stupid. We played kahoot but it was about government. Then we talked about our spirit week and the whole "if you have suggestions tell us (the students in SGA which I'm in) because we what your voices to be heard" nonsense. I hate that "activity."

Part 3:
We had a sub in biology and she was chill. I basically just listened to music and got my work done. But others though? Just know we might get a bad report.

Part 4:
L/S/N was pretty easy. We just had to write a speech. Not so easy. My group keeps on getting better.

Part 5:
In English, I gotta do an interview and a book project. I'm only looking forward to the book project. We have to make like a trailer for it so I'm pretty excited for it.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!!☕☕☕☕☕

Part 6:
There is this group chat that is full of boys I think and they be sending each other the most nastiests things on there. One of the boys is in my L/S/N class and he showed some girl a video of this girl twerking. Ew!

Part 7:
So this weird thing happened within the group chat. Lee sent a picture of this white guys manhood. One of the boys said he was gay. I don't even want to know what goes on in that group chat anymore. I'm out of hearing about it.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 8:
This girl asked for a charger when her phone was at 98%. Seriously?! That's a full battery. Why the heck do you need a charger? Just to listen to music? Wow.

Sorry guys that I updated late. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. More tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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