Day 3

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Part 1:
My Spanish teacher wasn't here today and so as sub work, she gave us a whole freaking packet on things that we learned last year. Now of course all of us barely or didn't remember anything. I remember a little bit and the rest I just used my phone.

Part 2:
I can already tell that biology is going to be hard. My teacher gave us homework with vocabulary words and we have to match them to this biology water thing. I don't know what the heck it us but it looks hard and I don't want to do it.

Part 3:
This whole having no classes with any of my friends is killing me! I ate lunch with these people I knew but I didn't talk to them at all necessarily. Then I thought in high school you can eat lunch and leave whenever you done. So I decided that I was going to eat and go check out my locker, now that I got one. So as I was leaving a teacher stopped me and said u have to go back and wait till they dismiss you from lunch. And I'm like what tbe heck? I won't have to to wait and do it after lunch. I got to get to class and my social studies teacher is already strict enough so yeah.

Part 4:
Speaking of which, my social studies teacher made us take notes and gave us homework. It's not to hard but still though, it's the first week of school. Can we not have homework?

Part 5:
Get this: to make my day WAY freaking better, I got HOMEWORK IN ENGLISH. Like come on yo. And it's based on our summer reading. You see why I hate summer reading? They make us do it over the summer, give us a quiz to see if we did it or not, and then give is homework on it. I'm telling you, this whole summer reading stuff is stupid. Honestly you might as well not even call it summer break or vacation if you give us work. Dummies.

Part 6:
Turns out, there is another Jenny at my school. She's not a freshmen but she is a junior. And let me just say she looks a lot like Jenny. Same blonde hair, same personality (by the way she looks), and what she had on yesterday with her stomach hanging out, on Yeah she's Jenny. (I meant to add this yesterday.)

Hey guys! Sorry I missed yesterday. I was busy. Here was the part from yesterday.

*Live and Love Life*

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