Day 35

16 3 2

Part 1:
I had a quiz in Spanish today. It was pretty good. So far, I got an A on it. My teacher has to grade the rest of it though.

Part 2:
I also had a quiz in biology. I don't think I did to bad on that, but I know I got a few things wrong.

Part 3:
I'm actually starting to enjoy LSN. It's not to bad. Well for now, since we have this project. In pretty sure once it's done, we'll go back to boring stuff.

Part 4:
In English, we are starting my favorite unit. Argumentative Unit. A.K.A debating. I love debating so I'm really excited for this.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
So this junior in my Spanish class came in crying today. I'm friends with her so I was trying to talk to her and help but she said she was fine. She ended up leaving for the majority of class time. I'll see if I can find out why she was crying. Probably because of her boyfriend.

Part 6:
Okay, this isn't really tea but, I was playing this card game with these girls at our SGA meeting and at lunch. It was so much fun. I think it might of been called spoons. I don't know.

Part 7:
Speaking of relationships (part 5) this boy broke up with this girl that I know. She said that they're not on speaking terms and she's trying to say hi and stuff. I'm like, if they aren't talking to you leave it alone. Your only making this project worse.

Part 8:
So there is this girl that's in my bio class and like I said, I'm not sure if she has a mental disorder such as autism but, she can be annoying at certain points. Today she forgot her homework, was asking the teacher a bunch of questions, and just whining the whole time about her forgetting her homework. She even cried. It was so annoying. Her whining and stuff was irritating. Then she kept on apologizing even though the teacher said it's okay. Look I'm sorry. I understand that she has mental disorder but, I can't even explain it.

Hey guys! I got nothing to rant about. Sorry but, hopefully you enjoyed this part.

*Live and Love Life*

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