Day 97

6 2 0

Part 1:
I skipped Spanish because we had a stupid award ceremony and it was long as sh*t. Like it started late and then half of the people didn't even deserve the awards so yeah.

Part 2:
Biology was simple. We just started a new unit which is DNA.

Part 3:
LSN was chill. We didn't do much.

Part 4:
I swear, my English teacher gets on my nerves sometime. I already have three projects to do and she gives me another one. So right now, I have 4 projects. Then on top of that, she gave us three assignments that are so next week. She's literally not one of my favorites right now.

Question of the Day:

This is what we talked about in LSN: Should GTMO Bay, stay open or shut down?

Sorry for the late update. I got a lot of homework.

*Live and Love Life*

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