Day 24

21 5 3

If your wondering why I didn't update yesterday, there was no school for me. Now onto today!

Part 1:
The stuff that these kids in my engineering class be talking are so funny and stupid. They be talking about the sketches we be doing in class or if football is important. Like why?

Part 2:
I actually survived my first swim class today. It wasn't bad. To be honest, I was actually nervous especially since we went into the deep end which is 10ft. Keep in mind it's a beginners class. We held onto the wall and let go every 10 seconds or so. Even though I held on majority of the time. Plus I learned how to float on back. It's actually not bad. I might enjoy this class.

Part 3:
We got new seats in geometry and I'm sitting next to this one girl who is on my lacrosse team and another girl that I knew back in 6th grade. I do miss sitting next to my other friends but it's all good.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!☕☕☕☕☕☕

Part 4:
So apparently, MalMal_21 likes this girl that goes to another school. I'll keep you guys posted with this.

Part 5:
This boy who was in jail for three weeks just got out. I'll see if I can find out for what he did.

Part 6:
Moss now just noticed this boy in her government class that she thinks is cute. She texted me in clasd saying I just saw an angel and he's cute and all that type of stuff. Get it together mossy_44.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 7:
Tell me why on my way to the bathroom, my vice principal stopped me in the hallway to ask me about what were we doing in freshmen academy. Why does that concern you? Then when I went into the bathroom, this janitor was singing (didn't sound good) and she saw me and was like "Oh go right on ahead. I'm just checking around to make sure everything is good. Have a nice day." and I was like you too. Then on her way out she said she so sweet and stuff. Those awkward conversations with staff members.

Part 8:
Remember that fat chick in me geometry class? Well she is still getting on people's nerves. Like girl, shut the heck up will you? No one cares about what you got to say.

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More tomorrow!

*Live and Love Life*

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